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We have more qubits and fewer ...


We have more qubits and fewer errors, which is combined to solve more problems; says IBM

We have more qubits and fewer errors, which is combined to solve more problems; says IBM
The Silicon Review
13 November, 2017

IBM Q was an industry-first initiative to build commercially available universal quantum computers for business and science. While technologies like AI can find patterns buried in vast amounts of existing data, quantum computers will deliver solutions to important problems where patterns cannot be found and the number of possibilities that you need to explore to get to the answer are too enormous ever to be processed by classical computers. The company has been offering this quantum computing as a cloud service since the launch of 5 Qubit versions of its advanced computers. The latest reviews shows that IBM also makes 20 Qubit quantum computing machine available as a cloud service , which is quite a leap in just 18 months.

Quantum computing aims at eliminating the errors and building up a universal system which automatically fixes these errors. But more the qubits you have, more will be the errors. The recent updates have resulted in bringing out a system with more qubits and lesser errors. The company is also designing the prototype for 50 qubits quantum computers which will be launched in cloud services in the coming days. The other issue that comes into play when dealing with quantum states is that they tend to exist for a short period of time in a process known as coherence. The new systems have managed to increase this from 47 and 50 microseconds for the 5 Qubit machines to 90 microseconds, which is a huge leap forward.