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Google & Prorepublica partner to launch Documenting Hate News Index

Google & Prorepublica partner to launch Documenting Hate News Index
The Silicon Review
21 August, 2017

In light of the hate crimes which have taken the world by shock, documentation poses to be a controversial and problematic concept. Fortunately, Google and Prorepublica have partnered to employ Machine Learning in visioning a tool which would efficiently document and track hate crimes all over the world.

The “Documenting Hate News Index” will primarily search the web for news articles and information regarding hate crimes and will work only with a raw feed of Google News articles which will be put through the Google Cloud Natural language API to create a visual tool. Amassing articles and snippets of information from the Internet will create a clear picture of these crimes and create awareness among the people. Journalists can avail the services of this tool which is live and the results may also be a source of shock to the world regarding the frequency and relevance of these crimes.

According to Google, “The new Index will help make this data easier to understand and visualise. It is one of the first visualisations to use Machine Learning to generate its content using the Google Natural Language APU, which analyses text and extracts information about people, places, and events. In this case, it helps reporters by digging out locations, names and other useful data from the 3,000-plus news reports.

Let’s hope this tool greatly benefits journalists and leaders to tackle these crimes which have been a major source of shock and worry to the world and also play its part in creating awareness regarding these heinous crimes.