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Facebook has formulated new ru...


Facebook has formulated new rules for Live streaming users

Facebook has formulated new rules for Live streaming users
The Silicon Review
16 May, 2017

Going Live has become a new trend for celebrities, publishers, and also for laymen. A trend so much infected to the whole Facebook communities that some of the users have started misusing the Live video feature inbuilt in Facebook, leading to which Facebook has attempted to decrease the number miscreants by banning misleading uses of the Live video feature.

For starters, it is going to add a warning statement to its Live Facebook Platform policy that “Don’t use the API to publish only images (ex: don’t publish static, animated, or looping images), or to live-stream polls associated with unmoving or ambient broadcasts.”

And as a penalty to law-breakers, Facebook’s policy states that it will reduce those miscreants’s visibility on Facebook, and usage of Facebook Live might be restricted. 

In last December, Facebook has already banned graphic-based Live videos as they are uploaded only to garner publicity and popularity. But this didn’t stop some people in faking Live videos, which resulted in administering stern steps from Facebook. One of the most prevalent type of misleading Live videos is the “COUNTDOWN” show. Since most of the New Year’s countdown shows are graphic inspired, Facebook will keep a check which can be qualified for going Live and which not. But this can also take place under the condition that is publishers and users who post such stuff on Facebook keeps getting negative feedback, their reach can be shortened and Facebook might keep a hawk eye on such activities.