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"We accept that this problem i...


"We accept that this problem is high risk, high reward," says Dr. Chevillet

The Silicon Review
13 June, 2017

Talks or rumors on Facebook’s new ‘almost impossible’ project telepathic texting are going on for a long time. How can one read the thought process? Even if it is read, how can it be transformed into actual words still remains as a bigger challenge! But this is not going to stop Facebook from continuing the project. "We accept that this problem is high risk, high reward," says Dr. Chevillet technical project lead at Facebook. But the technology focuses on bringing a solution when you are trapped in a situation where you can’t exactly reach for a keyboard or mouse. Sending texts telepathically!

The team focuses on a largely abandoned technology known as "fast optical scattering," aka "event-related optical signal." This is just similar to shining a light through the head and into the brain, and then measure the light reflected back. The sensors developed can detect the photons that get penetrated and then get bounced back. Alexander Huth, of the University of California, Berkeley, isn't connected to Facebook's project but has been working on how brains process language for eight years. His research revealed that words - and the concepts that underlie them - are spread across the surface of our brains. By observing which parts of a brain are active, you might be able to determine the word, or at least concept, that someone is thinking. From this Facebook thinks it is possible to find a way, even though not right now, but in the near future.