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American Scientists Develop a New Method to stimulate Heart Muscle in a Unique Manner

American Scientists Develop a New Method to stimulate Heart Muscle in a Unique Manner
The Silicon Review
14 December, 2018

American scientists’ new development could boost the pacemakers by powering the device by light. The new invention is a small solar cell that encourages the heart to beat.

The team of researchers from the University of Chicago has developed a flexible mesh from silicon. When it is activated by a flash of light, it creates a small electromechanical effect which has the potential to stimulate the heart muscle in a unique manner.

The development which was carried outby the scientists was their own design which was earlier used for stimulating neurons. This time, the mesh was made thinner so that it could be wrapped around the heart with ease. After that, tiny nanowires were strewed across the mesh’s surface to attach the cardiac cells.

For scanning, the researchers used a small optical beam along with a laser. While scanning, each flash activates the cells, allowing the heart to beat at the same frequency as the light.

The results were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Currently, the new method is in its early stages of development.  If the mesh is implanted in humans, then it could be used by injecting at the target site. After injecting, it will allow the optical fiber to produce the light pulses and then the mesh could be put into use through minimally invasive surgery.

“Unlike today's pacemakers, this method appears to 'train' the cardiac muscle to beat,” quoted Bozhi Tian, an associate professor of the University of Chicago.