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Instagram introduces a new Sec...


Instagram introduces a new Security Feature

Instagram introduces a new Security Feature
The Silicon Review
21 June, 2019

In a move to recover hacked accounts, Instagram has introduced a new in-app recovery feature, ET reported. The Facebook-owned company is taking stringent measures to prevent hacking.

The company wants to curb incidents where hackers change names and contact data linked to Instagram accounts. The new feature will prevent all the mischief that is currently taking place.

Currently, the new feature is being tested with the users where they are required to fill up a page citing personal information such as primary email-id or phone number and later the company willsend a six-digit to the contact details for verification.

The new feature aims to recover accounts even if the hackers change the username and contact details of the linked account. With the process, Instagram is also looking to avert hackers from stealing phone numbers and breaching emails in order to use the accounts from different devices.

Currently, there is now information about the wider availability of the feature but Android users can lock down their username through the in-app feature. iOS users are also getting the new security feature soon.

Until the new feature was introduced, users had to wait for a recovery email fill up a time-consuming form to recover the hacked account.

The new move comes at a time when Facebook claimed to have corrected a security issue that had been saving passwords of 200-600 million users in plain text and "readable" format since 2012, which were also searchable by over 20,000 of its staff members.