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Next-Gen Thing: European Researchers are working on Self-Repairing Robots

Next-Gen Thing:  European Researchers are working on Self-Repairing Robots
The Silicon Review
09 August, 2019

A team of researchers from the Free University of Brussels and the University of Cambridge is working on new development to create “self-healing” robots that can sense pain or damage and afterwards healing itself without any human intervention.

The research work is led by Prof Bram Vanderborght (Free University of Brussels) and is funded by a European Commission.

At present, Polymers has been developed by the team. The polymers have the capability to heal themselves by creating bonds in every 40 minutes. The researchers are planning to insert senor fibres in the polymer which can sense the location of the damaged part.

In the final process of the development, the researchers are looking to make the healing process automated so that there is no human intervention in activating the system.

Mr Vanderborght stated that the research spearheaded the development of new-gen robotics. From a long time, the team has been working on the development of self-healing materials for robots. The team wants to continue the good work and most importantly, make sure that the robots that are used in the working environment are safer.

The research work’s main goal is to create what it describes as “anthropomorphic materials, capable of feeling pain”.

The new research is a promising development in the field of robotics. In terms of deployment, the agricultural sector is likely to be benefitted by this type of robotic development.

The piece of information was sliced from The Guardian.