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June Edition 2024

Whatever your challenge — big, small, deep or wide, SOVA is here to help you discover and build incredible answers


SOVA, a forward-thinking company dedicated to AI innovation, was conceived to bridge the gap between burgeoning artificial intelligence capabilities and the strategic needs of modern businesses. The inception of SOVA is rooted in the recognition that while AI is advancing at an unprecedented pace, its true value lies not in the technology itself, but in the transformative potential it holds for businesses that harness it effectively. Founded by a team of visionary entrepreneurs, SOVA emerged with a clear mission: to empower companies to not only adopt AI but to strategically integrate it into their operations to achieve unparalleled competitive advantages. The founders, each bringing a wealth of experience in technology, design, and business strategy, saw a unique opportunity to create a company that would serve as a catalyst for AI-driven success stories. SOVA's inception was driven by the understanding that AI is a tool for business enhancement, tailored to address specific challenges and aspirations unique to each organization. This insight shaped SOVA's core philosophy: AI isn't about AI; it's about what you can do with it. By focusing on the end goals of their clients, SOVA positions itself not just as a technology provider, but as a strategic partner dedicated to fostering business growth and innovation. Central to SOVA's approach is their end-to-end methodology, which is meticulously designed to meet clients wherever they are on their AI journey. This holistic process ensures that every phase of AI integration is handled with expertise and precision, maximizing the technology's potential benefits.

The journey with SOVA begins with deep-dive research. Understanding that effective AI solutions require a solid foundation, SOVA's research process digs deep into a client's business operations, challenges, and opportunities. This phase is crucial in pinpointing where and how AI can drive the most value, setting the stage for impactful innovation. Following research, SOVA emphasizes meticulous planning. Proper planning and design are deemed essential to ensure that AI solutions are not only technologically sound but also aligned with the right outcomes for the intended audience at the right time. This phase involves collaborative workshops, detailed strategy sessions, and the creation of comprehensive roadmaps tailored to each client's specific needs. In the development phase, SOVA's technical expertise comes to the fore. Whether building custom AI tools and systems from the ground up or integrating third-party platforms, SOVA ensures that the developed solutions are scalable, reliable, and precisely suited to the client's requirements. Their development team leverages cutting-edge technologies and best practices to create robust AI systems that drive real-world results.

The final step in SOVA's process is the rollout. Recognizing that even the well-designed AI solutions need effective deployment strategies to succeed, SOVA assists clients in launching their AI initiatives. This includes not only technical implementation but also strategies to ensure user adoption and engagement. SOVA helps clients navigate the complexities of bringing new AI solutions to market, ensuring that the innovations gain traction and deliver the expected benefits. Since its inception, SOVA has helped numerous companies across various industries leverage AI to achieve significant competitive advantages. By focusing on the intersection of technology and business strategy, SOVA has established itself as a leader in AI innovation, committed to turning technological advancements into tangible business success. With a clear vision and a comprehensive approach, SOVA continues to pave the way for the future of AI in business, helping clients turn potential into performance and innovation into success. 

Even in AI, success remains a product of the right process & the right people

SOVA's approach to AI in its services is both rigorous and comprehensive, leveraging decades of experience in analytic software, data, human-centered design, and marketing, combined with a touch of ingenuity. This blend enables SOVA to craft AI-driven solutions that provide businesses and individuals with a competitive edge. The company’s end-to-end process is meticulously designed to guide clients through every stage of their AI journey, from research to rollout, ensuring maximum benefit from AI technologies. The journey with SOVA begins with an in-depth research phase. This phase is critical in identifying how and where AI can drive value within a client's business. SOVA conducts tailored problem and use case analysis, market and consumer insights, and rigorous deep-dive understanding and analysis. This comprehensive research process equips clients with the knowledge and confidence to pursue ambitious AI strategies. SOVA doesn’t just build it, it helps you ensure the adoption of AI systems and initiatives through a holistic approach that includes how it gets introduced — strategic marketing, communication, and multimedia design support — both within your organization, and for your customers. This includes meticulous go-to-market execution, effective branding, comprehensive user training and communication, as well as targeted digital marketing strategies and incentive structures designed to ensure successful deployment and adoption of future-facing AI solutions.

About the leader behind the success of SOVA in his own words

Sam Sova, Partner and Chief Executive Officer

I grew up in Milwaukee and like most midwesterners (I’m finding), I moved away and now have “moved back home.” I’ve traveled all over the world, and have had the privilege to experience technology and cultural revolutions in marketing and creative in the heart of it, whether it is Silicon Valley or New York. My career path has been multi-industrial and corporate driven (Fiserv, AT&T, TIAA, Johnson Controls to name a few), as I’ve taken roles that are seeking to transform or think about how organizations can do marketing and creative better. In my 15+ years at industry leading organizations I consider myself an accomplished, creative, and solutions-oriented marketing expert and demonstrated success in delivering outstanding results across business development, marketing, branding, communications, public relations, social media, and digital transformation. I’ve always had the drive and curiosity to do things better and incorporate new technology to the system.

I’m an intuitive strategist with specialized expertise in orchestrating and implementing forward-looking, differentiated branding campaigns to drive consumer awareness, interest, and conversion. I’ve developed a track record of success in redefining and refreshing the branding voice and tone across all marketing assets to connect better with target audiences. And testing and learning new ways to do things better to implement across large organizations.

Through my experience in corporate roles, I’ve worked with more than fifty marketing and creative agencies and I think there is a better way to do it, and that’s what Cristian, Dave, Karl and I are building here at SOVA. A new type of company that has bleeding edge technology like AI at its core and only brings top talent to have the privilege to serve our clients.                        

“Our tech-forward, human-centered approach to development translates into tangible purpose-built systems that harness the power of next-gen AI technologies while striking a balance that keeps you in control.”