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The Nokia 9 PureView has a lot...


The Nokia 9 PureView has a lot more cameras than you would expect in a phone

The Nokia 9 PureView has a lot more cameras than you would expect in a phone
The Silicon Review
25 Febuary, 2019

This new Nokia phone has not one, not two, but 5 cameras! Yes, you heard it right. The Nokia 9 PureView, the latest premium device from HMD has a hexagonal array of five cameras, along with the flash and color sensors. This is bizarre; the device has more cameras than one would ever possibly need. The smartphone also has two front cameras, making the count to seven.

Certainly, the brand is known to maintain its legacy of pushing the phone’s imaging quality to its boundaries. But, the question here is how the 5 camera system will work. It is interesting to note that the device can take shots on all five cameras at once, and then fusing them together into one big picture. Hence, users need not switch between different focal points.

Working together, the cameras capture images that have more than 60-megapixels display quality. The system processes the data into one complex photo that provides complete editing freedom and deep depth maps. Users can capture pictures in RAW format and edit them using the mobile version of Lightroom. The company has partnered with Adobe to enable such editing features.

The phone looks great and has amazing camera functionality. However, the other features are fairly middling, including a 5.99 inch POLED display and a Snapdragon 845 chipset. The product is going to be sold at $699. HMD informs that it is a limited edition phone with a defined production run. The company hasn’t revealed the date, but the product is around the corner; it is soon going to be available in the States.