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Effective Ways To Develop Your Team

Effective Ways To Develop Your Team
The Silicon Review
07 June, 2019

In order to get the best of your team, you need to make sure that they are engaged and are continuously being developed. Alternatively, you run the risk of some disenchanted staff that you might find difficult to motivate. Developing your team is easy enough if you know what you need to do, and you listen to their needs.

Here we discuss some of the more effective ways in which you can motivate your team to get them working for you as they should. This will include everything from introducing some exciting perks and benefits to running training courses that will teach them some new skills. Keep reading if you would like to find out more about this.

Staff Appraisals

Staff appraisals are critical when it comes to developing your team. These should be completed by the line manager of the individual- as they have the best idea of how the employee performs. It gives both parties a chance to discuss performance levels, future opportunities and any improvements that can be made either end. This should always be a positive discussion and one where your employee leaves feeling heard and ready for action. It could be that you learn they have certain skill sets or interests you weren’t aware of, or that they excel in a certain department. This discovery session will allow you to fully develop your team.

Try to have these appraisals every few months and in between try to hold some weekly meetings that focus on the progress of the whole team. This way, you can check in on how everyone is doing and ensure that no one is feeling like they are not being recognised or developed as much as they could be.

Perks and Benefits

The last thing you want when trying to develop a team member is a lot of sick days. As such, private healthcare could be a good perk and benefit for staff members. There are some great cost-effective options out there these days for employers. This serves a dual purpose - it allows your employees to feel valued so they are more receptive to new ideas and opportunities and it also means that they are likely to recover much more quickly from illnesses than they would normally and have fewer sick days in general. Attendance is vital when it comes to developing a team, so anything you can do your end as an employer to improve it is always an advantage. Have a look online at some of the perks that employers are offering, and this will help you to make the right choice.

Develop Yourself

Sometimes, it can be equally as effective to spend some time working on yourself rather than just your team. You need to know about your own strengths and weaknesses and before you tell anyone else what to do, you need to make sure that you are doing it right. Do you know what you want to achieve? Do you know how to run your business and your team effectively? You must understand these things before you try to develop others as this is the only way to be effective.

For this reason, we suggest that you try to develop yourself and improve the way in which you work. Spend some time reflecting and figure out what you need to change and how you are going to go about doing that. Then, you can shift your focus to your team and ensure that they are working hard and following your example. You can’t expect them to do this if you are setting a bad example – can you?

Team Building for Morale Boosting

In order to develop your team, they need to want to be developed and feel a part of your company. A happy workforce is a workforce that gets good results. When you host team buildingevents this helps boost morale and can also develop other skills. It could be that you have a problem-solving team day, which develops problem-solving skills, or that it will improve communication skills. Depending on the job roles your team has, it could be that they need to go and meet clients regularly. As such developing their social skills is also important. Team days are a great way of doing this.

Discuss with your team about the kinds of events that they would like to take part in, and this will help you to find the right one for you. This way, you can develop your team and have a happy workforce for an extended period of time.

Training Courses

Making sure your team are effectively trained is the best way to develop them. Analyse what you are looking to improve and put them on the appropriate course. This could be leadership training, IT Training, or event presentation skills training. Identify the needs of your business and ensure you have the necessary skills within your team so there are no skill gaps. You can look at different online options, as well as on the job training. Make sure there is a training plan in place.

Training doesn’t have to break the bank either, there are plenty of free online courses UK based and you can easily find one to suit the type of training that you need. When you support your team with free courses, you can develop their skills and make them a more effective workforce.


Our final tip for those who want to effectively develop their team is to try out some delegating. If you are going all of the tasks or are responsible for the entire team every single day then you might find it hard to keep up. When you give someone the responsibility of ensuring that something is completed on time, they can develop their time management skills and how they communicate with others.

Delegating comes with many benefits both for you and your team. Once your employees get into the swing of handling situations by themselves, they will be much more developed and have more skills. Make sure to consider this if you are thinking about developing your team in an effective way.

Final Thoughts

In 2019, you need to make sure that your team is performing to their best ability if you want to stand out from the competition. For this reason, you need to make sure that you are effectively developing their skills and giving them the chance to shine in the workplace.

As you can see in this article, there are plenty of ways that you can achieve this. Consider hosting some team-building days to discover the hidden skills of some of your employees and try some training days in between. It is important that you are willing to invest some money and time into training your team or they are never going to be able to develop their skills.

If you are thinking about how you can develop your team effectively then you should make sure to take on board all of the advice that we have given you in this article. This way, you can have a productive team that makes an improvement in the overall success of the business.