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Google Rolls out Chromebook Ap...


Google Rolls out Chromebook App Hub for Educators

Google Rolls out Chromebook App Hub for Educators
The Silicon Review
20 June, 2019

Google has officially rolled out its Chromebook App Hub at ISTE 2019. The app is exclusively developed for educators including teachers and other curriculum administrators.

The app will assist the educators to discover ideas and resources, which could be implemented inside the classroom for better teaching. The contents included in the app are taken from big names such as Adobe, Epic, Khan Academy and others.

The tech behemoth also announced other developments such as new product features in Quizzes in Google Forms, Classroom, Course Kit and more.

Google said that the internet is the primary source for teachers to collect information and new ideas to carryout out lesson plans. The teachers must follow rules and regulations from curriculum specialists including district policies. The new Chromebook App is the solution for everything, as it will help the teachers to develop new contents and also allow them to use it in the classroom without compromising on district policies.

The company has taken help from EdTechTeam to shape up the app. Apart from that, it also helped the app developers to work on data privacy of their products by working with the nonprofit Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC). In this manner, the districts will be able to get the correct solutions without compromising privacy.

The contents from Epic will include children’s books, videos and games in the app’s library. Adobe will include storytelling app called Adobe Spark, and there will be free library lessons from Khan Academy; covering subjects such as science, math, and history along with grammar and lot more.