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Powered by AI, the Eightfold Talent Intelligence Platform empowers organizations to recruit and retain a diverse global workforce and provides applications for enterprises to build on their talent’s existing skills


The Eightfold team has deep expertise in developing and implementing best-in-class AI-powered HR technology that delivers results.

Eightfold stands at the forefront of innovation in talent management, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to address the complexities of modern workforce dynamics. Central to its approach is the recognition of individuals as the cornerstone of organizational success. By aggregating and centralizing all people-related data—from prospective candidates to alumni—Eightfold creates a unified Talent Network that serves as a robust foundation for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Prioritizing Individuals

At the heart of Eightfold's platform is a commitment to prioritizing individuals within the enterprise ecosystem. Traditionally, talent management has been fragmented, with data scattered across various systems and platforms. Eightfold revolutionizes this approach by consolidating disparate data sources into a single, integrated Talent Network. This consolidation not only enhances data accessibility and accuracy but also enables organizations to gain a holistic view of their workforce, uncovering insights that drive personalized engagement and development strategies.

The Power of Data

In today's data-driven era, insights derived from comprehensive data analysis have become invaluable assets for organizations seeking to optimize their workforce strategies. Eightfold leverages advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities to go beyond traditional metrics of success, such as educational background or job history. By analyzing individuals' capabilities and potential, the platform offers deep insights into each employee's unique strengths and areas for growth. This proactive approach empowers enterprises to make more informed decisions regarding talent acquisition, internal mobility, and skills development, thereby maximizing organizational efficiency and agility.

From Historical Achievements to Future Potential

A key differentiator of Eightfold lies in its ability to shift focus from individuals' past achievements to their future potential. By harnessing predictive analytics and AI-driven algorithms, the platform identifies patterns and trends within enterprise and individual performance data. This predictive capability enables organizations to anticipate future workforce needs, forecast skill gaps, and proactively align talent strategies with business objectives. Ultimately, by understanding what individuals are capable of achieving rather than simply what they have done in the past, Eightfold empowers enterprises to cultivate a workforce that is not only competent but also adaptable and future-ready.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The dynamic nature of today's business environment demands agility and responsiveness from organizations. Eightfold addresses this challenge through continuous learning and adaptation powered by AI. By continuously analyzing feedback loops from enterprise and individual interactions, the platform refines its predictive models and recommendations over time. This iterative process enables organizations to stay ahead of market trends, anticipate industry shifts, and equip their workforce with the skills needed to thrive in an evolving landscape.

Predicting Future Roles and Career Paths

One of the most transformative aspects of Eightfold's Talent Intelligence Platform is its capability to predict future roles, performance trajectories, and career paths. By analyzing historical data and extrapolating insights, the platform offers personalized career guidance and development opportunities to employees. This proactive approach not only enhances employee satisfaction and retention but also ensures that organizational goals align with individual aspirations, fostering a culture of mutual growth and advancement.

Case Studies: Real-World Applications

To illustrate the tangible impact of Eightfold's platform, consider the following case studies:

Case Study 1: Optimizing Talent Acquisition

Challenge: A global technology firm struggled with high turnover rates and challenges in identifying top talent amidst fierce competition.

Solution: By implementing Eightfold's predictive analytics and Talent Network, the firm streamlined its recruitment process, identified candidates with the highest potential fit, and reduced time-to-hire by 30%.

Case Study 2: Enhancing Employee Development

Challenge: A multinational corporation sought to upskill its workforce to meet the demands of digital transformation.

Solution: Leveraging Eightfold's personalized learning pathways and career development insights, the corporation successfully reskilled 50% of its workforce within one year, improving employee retention and readiness for emerging roles.

The Future of Talent Intelligence

Looking ahead, Eightfold continues to innovate and expand its capabilities in Talent Intelligence. As technology evolves and organizations embrace digital transformation, the platform remains at the forefront, driving advancements in predictive analytics, AI-driven insights, and personalized workforce strategies. By empowering enterprises to unlock the full potential of their human capital, Eightfold not only enhances organizational performance but also paves the way for a more inclusive, agile, and resilient workforce of the future.

Final Thoughts

Put simply, Eightfold's Talent Intelligence Platform represents a paradigm shift in how organizations approach talent management. By placing individuals at the center and harnessing the power of data and AI, Eightfold enables enterprises to make strategic, data-driven decisions that drive business success and foster a culture of continuous growth and innovation. As businesses navigate an increasingly complex and competitive landscape, Eightfold stands as a beacon of innovation, empowering organizations to thrive in the digital age and beyond.

Ashutosh Garg, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Eightfold

The founders of Eightfold come from some of the world’s leading tech companies, including Google and Facebook. Together, they’ve applied their talents in search, machine learning, and deep-learning AI to transform the talent industry by finding the best roles for everyone while driving extraordinary business outcomes.