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50 Fastest Growing Companies Of The Year 2024

iProov – Revolutionizing Authentication and Identity Protection with Unmatched Biometric Verification Solutions


The days of using your PIN every time you make a payment or unlock your phone might soon become a thing of the past. People are already switching to biometric identification techniques such as fingerprint recognition to validate the authenticity of the user. From maintaining the employees’ attendance to combating the challenges of online and offline fraudulence, biometric recognition systems have outsmarted every other security measure. After its popularity in other environments, it is now gaining ground in financial payment systems. One key advantage of a biometric verification system is convenience. There’s just no need to reset the passwords. Once the biometric test is activated, all fingerprints, iris and facial recognition are done - and employees are good to go. The recent reports of network security breaches and identity thefts further affirm the fact that a strong authentication method is the need of today’s time. This has put the focus on biometric security as it is the only effective way to prove an individual’s identity. Biometric traits are inherent and unique to each individual and comprise physical and behavioral characteristics such as fingerprints, face, iris, gait, voice etc. Therefore biometric security systems can verify an individual’s identity with utmost accuracy and reliability since biometric traits are part of the individual’s being.

iProov is the world leader in biometric face verification. We enable banks, government agencies and other organizations to verify that an online individual is who they claim to be. This helps prevent identity theft and other cybercrime, while also making online services easier to access. Organizations using iProov's unique, patented technology include the US Department of Homeland Security, the UK Home Office, the NHS, Eurostar, the Australian government, the Singapore government, ING, and many more. The company's flagship Genuine Presence Assurance® technology is the only way to assure the genuine presence of an online user and ensure they are the right person, a real person, and authenticating right now. The Liveness Assurance™ technology delivers an effortless and passive user experience and assures the person is the right person and a real person.

Genuine Presence Assurance®: iProov's Flagship Technology

Genuine Presence Assurance® is the only way to check that an online user is the right person, a real person, and that they are authenticating right now. It is used by organizations around the world to authenticate customer identity. It enables you to offer the most secure online authentication process available on the market, maximizes your online customer completion rates with effortless usability, reduces your fraud risk, and provides compliance with regulations. It future-proofs your business against machine-driven attacks from deep fakes and other emerging threats. Only with Genuine Presence Assurance® from iProov can banks and financial services onboard and authenticate customers online effortlessly with biometrics to assure world-class security. iProov’s Security Operations Center (iSOC) is their active threat management service. It provides users of Genuine Presence Assurance® with sustainable security protecting against an ever-evolving threat landscape.

Making the Online World Safe and Secure through Online Identification Platform

iProov Enroller: iProov Enroller enables organizations to deliver secure, effortless online customer onboarding. Built on iProov’s Genuine Presence Assurance® technology, Enroller uses a one-time face biometric scan to verify that a user is the right person, matching the image from a photo ID or other trusted source. It also uniquely confirms that the user is genuinely present and the authentication is taking place in real time. iProov Enroller is used by banks, governments, health and travel providers, and social networks to ensure that users are who they say they are online.

iProov Face Verifier: iProov Face Verifier enables organizations to authenticate a user’s face against a pre-enrolled biometric template. Face Verifier uses iProov’s Genuine Presence Assurance® technology to confirm that the person is the right person, a real person and is authenticating right now. It can be used as a primary authentication mode or as part of a multi-factor or step up authentication.

Basic Face Verifier: iProov Basic Face Verifier uses Liveness Assurance™ technology to confirm that an individual is the right person and provide some assurance that they are a real person. It delivers a low ceremony, passive user experience for safe and secure authentication.

iProov Palm Verifier: iProov’s biometric Palm Verifier is a contactless solution that enables organizations to authenticate customers remotely. Palm Verifier is the only hand biometric technology in the world that provides Genuine Presence Assurance®, confirming a user is the right person, a real person, and authenticating right now.

About the Leader

Andrew Bud CBE FREng FIET is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of iProov. He is an experienced technology entrepreneur and leader, with a career spanning thirty years in mobile. In 1999 he founded mBlox, which became the world’s largest provider of SMS transmission for enterprise applications. As CEO, Andrew built the firm into a successful high-throughput technology-based service business. Andrew also chairs MEF, the global trade association of the mobile content and commerce industry.

He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2020. He was made a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) by the Queen in the 2020 New Year Honours List.

"Our flagship Genuine Presence Assurance® technology ensures that the user is the right person, a real person, and is authenticating in real-time, safeguarding against deep fakes and emerging threats."