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50 Fastest Growing Companies Of The Year 2024

Leavened – Empowering Organizations with State-of-the-Art Marketing Strategy with real-time insights and maximize ROI


Crafting a successful marketing campaign requires a bespoke approach tailored to each business's unique objectives. However, amidst this diversity, there's a universal necessity: measurement. The ability to measure marketing efforts is paramount, offering invaluable insights into campaign effectiveness and areas ripe for improvement. It enables businesses to track performance, identify successful strategies, and gain deeper insights into their target audience for more informed decision-making regarding resource allocation and budgeting.

Leavened is one such pioneering marketing measurement technology company staffed by data scientists with a profound understanding of marketing and analytics. Their platform is designed to elevate marketing ROI by facilitating the planning, measurement, and optimization of efforts based on consumer behavior. Addressing common frustrations in the measurement and optimization process—such as time constraints, high costs, and transparency issues—Leavened's non-cookie technology tools enable real-time, in-market optimizations.

Developed by seasoned marketing professionals and data scientists with over 20 years of performance-based marketing experience, the Leavened platform offers a comprehensive solution. Unlike conventional cookie-based performance signals that often fall short in providing true insights into business growth, Leavened's Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) approach leverages advertising investment data to determine incremental revenue impact. This enables businesses to identify top-performing media channels and make informed decisions for future media investments. With Leavened, businesses can achieve short-term sales objectives while laying the groundwork for long-term, sustainable growth.

Marketing Mix Modeling: A New Approach to Marketing Mix Models

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) is the most efficient, affordable marketing attribution and optimization tool available. The Leavened Iterative Hypothesis Testing Engine (LIHTE) is more than a traditional MMM. LIHTE is a high-velocity MMM that enables fast, objective, exhaustive testing of marketing hypotheses. Leavened democratizes MMM so the decision-makers and marketing experts can directly engage with the process. Start making decisions within days, not months, with this innovation in MMM accessibility.

Why test a few models when they can test millions of models within a few hours? Through the power of cloud computing and iterative hypothesis testing, Leavened removes modeling bias and empowers marketers and brand leads to test everything. The Leavened Iterative Hypothesis Testing Framework drives insight across all channels without the burden of expensive resources. Start benefiting from the suite of Leavened solutions today. MMM applies proven industry techniques for analyzing the impact of advertising on sales so you can optimize spend by tactic. And unlike multi-touch attribution solutions, it can show you the impact of online and offline marketing tactics as well as account for promotions, competitive data, economic indicators, and more.

Unlike most MMM solutions, Leavened does not operate any black boxes and has made their entire product library available via a cloud-based SaaS solution. Brands, agencies, and analysts alike can access any of their solutions to best serve their clients and campaigns. Access a library of knowledge and decades of experience with their one-on-one training to ensure you get the most from the Leavened platform. Leavened also offers fully managed and partially managed models for those that wish to outsource their measurement solution entirely. The innovation of Iterative Hypothesis Testing allows Leavened to offer viable MMM solutions at a fraction of the cost. Brand, agencies, and analysts can receive further cost savings through bundling or leveraging their self-managed options. Reach out to thier team for a free trial and a pricing structure that best fits your needs.

Leavened delivers more than insights, it transforms your business. With Leavened, you'll learn what your media is really doing, plan more impactful campaigns, and optimize to the greatest incremental sales. It was built by media experts and data scientists specifically for ROI-driven marketers. Within days, you’ll have the insights you need to deliver tangible results.

Sara Moorthy | Managing Partner

Sara is a founding team member at Leavened focusing on product development with more than 20 years of experience in performance marketing, media, and data analytics. Sara helps her clients develop strategic marketing plans, design marketing infrastructures to support the measurement of marketing, and establish tools for campaign measurement.

Prior to starting at Leavened, Sara has worked as a strategic planning and analytics lead at DraftWorldwide (Now FCB), Y&R/Wunderman, McCann Relationship Marketing, and Publicis. In 2006, she co-founded a digital and CRM agency in San Francisco, which was later purchased. Her clients have included Google, GoPro, Sprint, Microsoft, Intuit, Hewlett Packard, Adobe, Electronic Arts, and Toyota. Sara has won many awards for her past work, including an Addy from the American Advertising Federation, a “ONE Show” Interactive Award from the ONE Club which champions excellence in advertising and design, an NCDM Database Excellence Award, and several ECHO awards from the International Direct Marketing Association.

Sara graduated from Indiana University’s Kelly School of Business with a Bachelor’s of Science and earned a MBA and a Masters in International Business from Pepperdine University.

“Leavening agents are used as a catalyst for growth, with the most common example in baking bread. They revolutionize marketing attribution with iterative hypothesis testing engine (LIHTE) and setting a new standard in marketing mix modeling.”