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Do edibles with CBD hit harder...


Do edibles with CBD hit harder?

Do edibles with CBD hit harder?
The Silicon Review
07 June, 2024

To answer when edibles with CBD hit harder than all other forms of CBD consumption, it is essential to understand both the pharmacokinetics of CBD and the ways that CBD may be ingested.

It would be incorrect to say that edibles with CBD hit harder than all other forms of consumption of CBD since it all depends on the pharmacokinetics of CBD. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the cannabinoids, which do not make you high, but have been discussed recently as a reason for various treatments, including pain killers, anti-anxiety, and anti-inflammatory substances. If you want fantastic CBD edibles, we highly recommend going to the CBDfx website - https://cbdfx.com/collections/cbd-edibles/

Know the truth about CBD

  • Pharmacokinetics of CBD Edibles

Cannabidiol, when consumed through ingestion of an edible product, goes through the liver first before being metabolised, unlike in vaping/smoking or sublingual absorption. CBD is ingested and absorbed and travels through the gastrointestinal tract then circulated by the liver before circulating in the bloodstream. This phenomenon is colloquially referred to as the first-pass effect. In this phase, the concentration of CBD is considerably decreased, and its bioavailability is minimised as well. However, the small amount of CBD that manages to go through the first pass effect usually takes longer and is more likely to interact with the body’s CB1 receptors.

  • Bioavailability and Potency

When it comes to the edible products bioavailability of CBD seems to be relatively low compared to inhalation ones. CBD is most effective when inhaled because it goes directly to the system and is not first processed by the stomach and then the liver; instead, it enters the bloodstream through the lungs and feels quickly. Whilst presenting lower bioavailability, edibles are known to induce longer lasting effects as compared to the conventional methods such as smoking or vaporisation. This is because the CBD is slowly issued out in the digestion of the edible, and as such activities the impact for longer.

The question as to whether edibles ‘hit’ more is justifiable in respect to frequency of dosage and time. While ingestion may not cause immediate and extremely potent-effects like inhalation, it results in continual onset of effects that may last longer. However, such an extended period will be considered to ‘hit harder’ in terms of the duration of the whole process, which can be deemed as a bonus if users require prolonged therapeutic effect in their case with the symptoms.

  • Individual Variability

CBD edibles may take a long time to show the effects of their medication because it depends on the rate of metabolism, weight, and the disease to be cured. Some people with fast metabolism may be able to consume and metabolise CBD faster, but may need less frequent administration to get the same or higher impact. On the one hand, if users’ metabolism is slow, it is likely that edibles will produce a comparatively gentle and long-lasting high. Moreover, it was also discovered that the amount of food present in the stomach can influence the rate at which the substance is absorbed; however, fat meals seem to have the potential of improving bioavailability.

  • Comparison with Other Methods

A comparative analysis of edible products with other methods of Cannabidiol administrators like tinctures, capsules, or topical application brings out certain benefits and limitations. The next groups are tinctures and oils, which when taken sublingually, have fast onset times due to lack of first-pass metabolism. Nonetheless, their impacts are deemed comparatively shorter than those of edibles and can be categorised as the second type of cannabis products with regards to their shelf-life. Topical applications are perfect for this because one can apply it on painful or sensitive areas to get relief but it does not have the same systemic effect that inhaled, ingested cannabis when taken as Edibles.

  • Entourage Effect

The other thing to consider is cumulative effects, where the presence of CBD with other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids appear to act in concert to produce a more significant effect than the individual components alone. CBD edibles containing a variety of these compounds, including full-spectrum or broad-spectrum products, could potentially respond to this question, surpassing the effects of CBD isolate edibles. This could potentially make full-spectrum edibles “hit harder” in effecting the healing energies of cannabis.


To conclude, the changes in the intensity of feelings when using CBD Edibles. These can be described as getting a stronger effect because the substance’s concentration is felt for a long time, although the bioavailability is not as high as with inhalation. The onset of effects is gradual, and it remains constant for a longer time when compared to other forms of cannabis consumption, making it suitable for individuals who need to feel high for a long time. As opposed to this, some specific aspects of CBD edibles include individual factors and impact of other cannabinoids. In conclusion, the most effective approach to consumption depends on subjective experience, targeted objectives of weight loss, course of the effect, and desired time of impact.