30 Ethical Companies of the Year 2019
The Silicon Review
Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ
AdventHealth was formally founded in 1973 but traces its roots back to 1866 with a team of Seventh-day Adventist medical pioneers in Battle Creek, Michigan. During a time when many treatments were as harmful as the conditions they attempted to cure, the founders were considered revolutionaries for their belief that preventing disease was as important as treating it. They believed the best care didn’t treat only the body, it also helped heal the mind and lift the spirit.
Since AdventHealth’s founding, they have treated every patient as a creation of God, deserving of extraordinary whole-person care. By focusing on the whole-person and strengthening its mission, AdventHealth today is a national leader in quality, safety, and patient satisfaction. The founders’ commitment and philosophy continue today in hundreds of hospitals, nursing homes and clinics around the world.
More than 80,000 skilled and compassionate caregivers in physician practices, hospitals, outpatient clinics, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and hospice centers provide individualized, holistic care.
The firm’s Christian mission, shared the vision, common values and focus on whole-person health is its commitment to making communities healthier with a unified system: 46 hospital campuses and hundreds of care sites in diverse markets throughout nine states.
Words to Heal by—AdventHealth Values
Quality and Service Excellence: We consistently deliver exceptional whole-person care and strive for excellence in all we do.
Community Well-Being: We are committed to improving the health, prosperity, and well-being of the communities we serve.
High Ethical Standards: We are called to uphold the highest standards, with integrity driving every decision we make and every action we take.
Stewardship: We are guided by relentless stewardship in the management of the resources entrusted to us.
Inclusiveness: We celebrate the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences of our patients, visitors, and colleagues, and embrace opportunities to learn and grow from new perspectives.
Rooted in Faith. Forward in Care: AdventHealth
The firm’s principles for caring for the whole person started more than 150 years ago with the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It continues to help the people in its care create a life of whole health by healing their bodies, strengthening their minds and lifting their spirits. Today, AdventHealth is one of the largest health care providers in the United States, with thousands of compassionate professionals working to Extend the Healing Ministry of Christ around the country.
Research and Innovation
If it helps the body heal faster, AdventHealth is exploring it. If it strengthens its patients’ trust inthem, they are, striving for it. And if it’s never been done before, the firm is determined to do it. Because there’s always a better way. AdventHealth knows that as global leaders in whole-person health care, it’s their responsibility to pave that way, from discovering new treatments through clinical studies to redefining personalized medicine and harnessing the power to heal body, mind, and spirit.
That’s why AdventHealth invests in the brightest minds and the most groundbreaking technology at every level of its network of care. The firm’s facilities are equipped with some of the newest medical technology and its clinical providers and physicians are armed with the most advanced medical innovations possible. AdventHealth leads hundreds of clinical studies and pilot countless new technologies. From making care more affordable for every family to finding a cure for pediatric cancer, it puts its whole hearts and minds into advancing health care to whole care.
AdventHealth’s Innovation Ecosystem
Institute for Surgical Advancement Prototype Lab: Turn concepts into reality. The Institute for Surgical Advancement Prototype Lab is a creative space for physicians, engineers, researchers, and other health care professionals to bring their ideas for new medical equipment to life. Access the latest technology and develop, test and refine your latest ideas.
Center for Innovative Patient Care: As an inpatient living laboratory, the Center for Innovative Patient Care is maximizing patient care and recovery at AdventHealth Florida. Real-time research and application offer the very best for its patients and their loved ones.
InnovatOR Surgical Suite: The AdventHealth Orlando InnovatOR is one of the world’s most technologically advanced operating rooms. It provides the region’s best clinical setting for interventional neurosurgeries with state-of-the-art equipment and offers a space for providers, partners and organizations to innovate and collaborate to revolutionize care.
AdventHealth University: Located in Orlando, Adventist University of Health Sciences provides real-world experience in 17 distinguished programs, many in the Allied Health Care fields. Students receive clinical experience and access world-class facilities through the partnership with AdventHealth.
Big Data: Data plays a crucial role in shaping the future of health care. It allows us to identify patterns, opportunities or gaps in how we deliver care and services. AdventHealth Florida offers one-of-a-kind access to real-time patient data and – even more importantly – makes sense of that data to help its partners make strategic decisions that impact the health and quality of care for its community.
Health Performance Strategies: Its mission is simple: help you and y employees enjoy more fulfilling, rewarding lives, both at work and at home. Health Performance Strategies delivers a mind-body-spirit series of programs and services, based on its CREATION Health philosophy, to resist disease, advance health and guide people to health and wellness.
Greet the leader
Terry D. Shaw, President and CEO:
“We believe health should be measured in terms of the whole person — body, mind, and spirit. And it’s our mission and promise to you to help you feel whole through compassionate care and world-class expertise.”