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November Edition 2023

A digital health tech start-up that pioneered intelligent healthcare automation: Alphalake


Alphalake is made up of a team of technologists who are passionate about healthcare. Brought together through a shared belief that technological advancement is a force for good, in human endeavor and our very evolution. Alphalake believes that there is nowhere this is more evident than in health. We are sitting on the cusp of a defining era in history. As Ai and automation combine with the rise of digitization and health consumerism, this will usher in a new dawn in our understanding of human health and delivery of healthcare and human services. For decades, Alphalake has seen healthcare systems struggle to keep pace with technological advancement, but no longer. The company uses Ai and automation to disrupt and transform healthcare and research to deliver better quality health services, to those in need, faster.

Alphalake passionately champions the global democratization of healthcare and health information and are pioneers of a new type of company. Alphalake measures success and shareholder value against its continued ability to create positive global impact.

Med-Tech Companies

APIs, or application program interfaces, are vital tools for businesses in all industries. The importance of APIs from a technical standpoint. Using APIs as part of electronic health records systems, or EHRs can make it easier for patients to get and share important health information. APIs can also help healthcare providers share patient information with other providers securely and efficiently. APIs in healthcare allow information systems to communicate and transfer data back and forth from one system to another. For example, a healthcare organization can input a patient’s medical coverage information into a system that works with insurance companies and instantly determine the patient’s coverage for a specific medication or procedure. An API enables this. For this, we need healthcare applications to be integrable with other healthcare tools and platforms using middleware like Workato.

By getting themselves listed on APIdirect, healthcare companies can announce/showcase themself as open to Integrated Automations if a ‘No Code’ connector already exists. Otherwise, they can hope to gauge their demand for Integrated Automation through interest generated via the library and also showcase their ‘No Code’ possibilities with the listing of their endpoints. This will also showcase their products as open to ‘Integrated Automation’; hence making them a new age product that is open to integrating with other platforms/products for the benefit of the end user with interoperability.

Clinician/Medical Experts

A medical automation system with EHR integration allows healthcare providers to easily access patient records, share across multiple systems, and communicate to discuss cases and make decisions. OSP can create automated medical systems to support EHR integration and allow transparency through patient portals. Healthcare may be one of the most complex industries to digitalize as it involves many stakeholders: from hospitals and medical centers, through doctors, pharmaceutical and research companies, up to patients themselves. The logistics of healthcare apps have always been one of the most complex and convoluted. After the pandemic struck, Alphalake is also seeing some of the barriers being down (the entry barrier, the digital skepticism barrier among some of the stakeholders). Healthcare stakeholders worldwide finally agree that digital is the way forward.

Clinicians / Medical experts also face the dilemma of choosing technology partners for various administrative tasks and medical procedures. API Direct would help clinicians/medical experts find and explore various technology partners from an integration and interoperability point of view. Clinicians/Medical experts can also request connectors for applications/software already in use within their practice.


With the founding of this support ecosystem for Integrated Automations, Consumers can expect faster processing of information and medical records over some time. Automation allows medical professionals to get more done in their typical shifts while also lowering their level of stress. Because of the increase in efficiency, healthcare facilities would no longer require as much overtime from their employees. Integrated Automation, along with healthcare tools, also improves knowledge sharing and collaboration between organizations involved in medical care delivery, resulting in better healthcare for all. For example: Without automation, scheduling staff must navigate several software systems, physician schedules, and insurance portals while patients wait on hold. Automation streamlines the process while substantially minimizing data inaccuracies. Hence benefiting the patient.

All in all, APIdirect is an initiative that aims to streamline interoperability and integrated automation for various stakeholders within the healthcare industry and also result in better healthcare for all. he APIdirect library offers you, as a user, a new way to access simplified information on APIs throughout the health and care ecosystem. It provides a unified source for you to obtain critical, decision-making information on the availability and capability of APIs for your organizations and teams' bespoke uses. The library includes version releases, utilization data, and FHIRs (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) that are updated for you on a weekly basis. Cerner, EPIC, MEDITECH, PatientSource, Doctrin and EIDO are among the dozens of organizations with powerful APIs listed in the Library for you to leverage in your organization. Olly Cogan, Founder and CEO of Alphalake explained why building the APIdirect Library was a must by commenting: "Robust APIs are table stakes for any health tech organisation, but they're only the beginning; they need to meet your customer process and workflow needs, which are always changing".

Olly Cogan, Founder and CEO

“Together, we'll build better Patient Experience and a healthier world!”