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30 Fastest Growing Tech Companies 2023

Aureus Analytics – Bringing tremendous value to their customers by offering innovative customer intelligence analytics platform


Customers in today’s market have options. They know there are businesses vying for their attention and most consumers are smart, savvy, and adept at using the technology that allows them to research products and services before making a purchase. This is why customer intelligence is important – it gives you the best understanding of your customer and allows better communication, enhanced marketing effort and strategy, and personalized service, all which can set you apart when it comes time for customers to make a choice about where they spend their time, money, or attention. Customer intelligence is exactly what it sounds like – intelligence and insight on your actual and target customers. Using customer intelligence analytics information can help you craft messages that resonate better with your target audience and develop products that can bet better solutions for the challenges they face. It can help you know what they care about, which helps you create more compelling marketing. It also helps you communicate with them in the way they prefer – if you know that your target market consumes most of their information from YouTube or spend hours watching videos on Facebook, you can incorporate video strategy into your communication plan and use targeted ads in these social media spaces. In short, customer intelligence can go a long way towards helping businesses make decisions that will better serve their customers, better serve their business, and ultimately their bottom line.

Aureus Analytics is one such Customer Intelligence & Experience company that enables Insurers and Agencies to deliver superior customer experience leading to greater customer retention, loyalty, and lifetime value. The company's proprietary algorithm SentiMeter™ uses deep text analytics and AI to measure the customer experience in real-time for all policyholders.

Providing Industry-Leading Customer Intelligence Products and Services

CRUX: It is an Artificial Intelligence powered insurance analytics solutions designed for business users. It offers geography-specific state-of-the-art data security and private cloud hosting options from AWS and Microsoft Azure. It offers a wide array of enterprise system integration to ensure you don't lose a single customer data point. Measure and track what's relevant to your business and customer using structured and unstructured data from internal and external data sources. CRUX is a dynamic platform that can be configured to work within your existing systems. By leveraging the power of Hadoop and R, CRUX is designed to work with data sets of any size and type. Improving customer experience starts with understanding the journey your customers have experienced. CRUX will not only tell you where they have been but more importantly where they are going. The natural language generation capabilities of CRUX are what make it possible for business users to easily consume the sentiment analytics of your customers. Aureus is also responsible for implementing strong logical and physical measures for ensuring data privacy and security.

SentiMeter®: It is one of the key features of CRUX, is a simple, non-intrusive, and real-time metric that scores your client's experience on a scale of 0-100. Customer sentiment is of utmost importance - it provides an overall understanding of how your customer feels. Many times agents can be blind-sided by issues that have been brewing with customers over a short or long period of time. When an issue is surfaced by the customer as opposed to being proactively addressed by an agent, everyone is now in catch-up mode that can be detrimental to the customer experience. Sentiment analytics uses artificial intelligence (AI) to calculate a score based upon various events across the customer's journey. Hidden within both types of data lies the actual sentiment of an individual, SentiMeter® is able to take both structured and unstructured data such as voice recordings and social media posts and determine the sentiment of each individual policyholder. Once implicit and explicit data is gathered, CRUX uses a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), and deep text analytics to bring out the nuances hidden in the text.

Cross-Sell and Upsell: Customers buy an insurance product only when they need it. So it is critical for insurers to know exactly where a customer is in their life stage, and anticipate the needs at that stage. Most insurers try to sell everything to every customer all the time. This not only interferes with the overall customer experience but also leads to missed opportunities. CRUX tells you more. By leveraging deep text analytics on the customer data, CRUX is able to build a comprehensive customer journey - right from the time they become a part of the insurer's ecosystem, up to the time they exit. CRUX makes it possible to define specific performance indicators, as well as customer-specific, cross-sell or upsell opportunities at that point in time. Using this intelligence in real time, front-line decision makers can be better equipped with cross-selling insurance products and services to an individual customer, as well as a larger household.

Anurag Shah |Co-Founder and CEO

With nearly 17 years of working across Application Development, Operations and New Markets, Anurag has nearly been there and done that. He was the founding member and CEO for EdVenture prior to joining the leadership team at Omnitech, where he served as the COO and Head of Global Operations. Aureus Analytics is Anurag's second startup venture. Anurag is a Business Management graduate from Narsee Monji Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai and Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad. When not working, Anurag can be found planning the next road trip.

"We are the customer intelligence and experience company that enables insurers to deliver superior customer experience leading to higher customer retention, loyalty, and lifetime value."