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Empowering Wellness: Bernd Bissinger, Certified Health Coach and NLP Master, Pioneers Personalized Healing with Medical Medium® Protocols


“I want to save my clients the long, grueling search for help that I had to go through and get them to their goal quickly, directly, and efficiently so they can get their lives back as soon as possible!”

Bernd Bissinger is a health coach, certified by The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN, NY, USA), and an NLP Master (DVNLP) from Germany, working with Medical Medium® information. His coaching programs aim to support clients with challenged nervous systems to assure a comfortable, time-saving application of the Medical Medium® protocols, tailored to their needs.

He founded Bernd Bissinger Health Coaching in 2014.

The Silicon Review reached out to Mr. Bissinger for an interview, and here’s what he had to say.


Interview Highlights

Please tell us about the circumstances or events that led to the founding of Bernd Bissinger.

When I was diagnosed with MS in 2012, like my grandmother and mother were before me, I knew from firsthand experience that traditional medicine is still completely in the dark about the root cause of MS. So, I knew I had to take my health into my own hands.

From the first moment, I intuitively felt that the solution would be found somewhere in the field of nutrition. Therefore, I wanted to study at the best nutrition school, which I finally found at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN, New York, USA), where I graduated as a health coach in 2016.

After seven years of studying a multitude of nutrition books, especially biographies of people who claimed to have healed from MS, the common thread still remained quite airy.

This all changed when I finally found the first book by Anthony William, The Medical Medium®. I immediately knew that this was the book I had been visualizing for seven years. A book that provides all the answers not only for my personal health issues but also for all potential health issues of my present and future clients. Since I know the ordeal and what many chronically ill people have to go through, I had the desire to support them on their way and to share my experiences with them. So I founded my online coaching practice, Bernd Bissinger Health Coaching. My motivation is to provide my clients with the coaching service I wish I had when I started my MS battle. I wish I would have found Medical Medium® information sooner. Understanding the root causes and connections would have saved me from the many disabilities that MS has caused over time. This is exactly what I want to prevent my clients from doing! Through my coaching, clients will gain a deeper understanding of how everything is connected so that they can reach their health goals faster and reclaim their lives earlier!

Q. As a leading health coaching platform, what are Bernd Bissinger’s key focus areas?      

At Bernd Bissinger Health Coaching, I help my clients recover with Medical Medium® information. I help them select the right food and supplement protocols tailored to their individual needs and implement them into their daily lives in the best form possible.

I offer personalized 1:1 online coaching.

My coaching support is directed at people with chronic illnesses, especially those with challenged nervous systems like myself. As I am currently battling multiple sclerosis, I know exactly how fellow sufferers feel, how precious time is, and how important it is to know what to do as fast as possible. That´s where my five-year-long experience (5 years of Medical Medium® protocols, 5 years of Medical Medium®-based health coaching, and 3 years as a support coach for Team Muneeza, Intuitive Medicine Woman®) come into play.

Chronically ill people have higher nutrient requirements. In this situation, it is even more important to know exactly which nutrients should be supplied in order to optimally support the individual organs and bodily functions. People who are struggling with these challenges usually also have compromised immune systems that need to be strengthened as well. This is individual to each person, which is why it’s worth looking at this with an experienced coach like me, so you don’t waste any time and get to your goal as quickly as possible. In coaching, we look at each area and make sure that everything is covered nutritionally and consumed in the right amounts so that all bodily functions get what they need and you don’t lose any time.

I want to save my clients the long, grueling search for help that I had to go through and get them to their goal quickly, directly, and efficiently so they can get their lives back as soon as possible!

Q. What strategies does Bernd Bissinger implement to exceed client expectations?

I always keep up to date with the newest Medical Medium® information (books, social media posts, social media lives, blogs, and newsletters).

Through my personal coaching clients, I gain a lot of experience that my future clients can benefit from.

Since 2020, I have been part of Muneeza Ahmed´s Support Coach Team. Muneeza runs by far the largest Medical Medium® training programs in the world. Muneeza is a medical intuitive and the first practitioner endorsed by Anthony William. In her online coaching program “Intuitive Healing Community” (IHC), as well as in the practitioner programs “Rise Up” and “Soar Higher,” I support clients, aspiring health coaches, and practitioners with my experience as a health and business coach.

Being part of the Support Coach Team is not only a wonderful experience, as I get to know and help so many people, but it also means that I have an amazing, supportive, and highly knowledgeable, experienced team of different specialties in the medical field—nursers, doctors, psychologists, etc.—in the background with whom I can discuss ideas and struggles and also get a lot of insights and shared experiences on different topics. As my client, you will, of course, also profit from this extra experience.

Through the team, I also get to know many experts to whom I can refer people in case of doubt.

In addition, I am, of course, constantly educating myself in various business areas through personal coaching, courses, etc.

Before all my coaching sessions, I conduct a one-hour “Health History Session,” in which I go through all the important points with the client using a previously completed questionnaire and ask further questions in order to get to know the client better and to be able to nail down the solution on which the entire coaching session is then based. I understand that no two clients are the same, and you first have to listen to people and ask in-depth questions before deciding on a consulting approach. Because there are often different possible solutions to the same issue, and to find out which one is the right one for the client, you first have to conduct a “deeper inquiry” to find out what the client’s problem really is. Many people start giving tips straight away without asking, and there are a lot of assumptions involved. But basically, as I said, there are always different ways to go about it, depending on the client’s exact situation. You can’t give the client proper and individual advice until you´ve asked more in-depth questions.

Q. Tell us about the Bernd Bissinger team. What value do they bring to the company?

As a health coach and founder of Bernd Bissinger Health Coaching, I conduct all coaching calls and health history sessions myself. Furthermore, I do the bookkeeping and finances myself.

I also have an assistant who supports me in administration (scheduling, invoicing, customer correspondence, back office) and social media and stands by my side, reminding me of important deadlines, for example. As a result, I can focus entirely on my coaching. Due to my illness, I am currently unable to do many things on my own, so my assistant is also my right hand, brainstorming partner, and female intuition, and I would not be able to offer my coaching services at this level without her.

Q. What new endeavors is Bernd Bissinger currently undertaking?

I am currently undergoing coaching and further training in the area of personal development, which will also benefit my clients in the future. I receive very high-quality support in the areas of emotional coaching, coaching in the areas of spirituality and faith, and business coaching. I look at these coaching sessions from my own perspective in order to better tackle and resolve issues, but they also provide me with a lot of systematic information that I can then incorporate back into my own coaching business. In business coaching, I work with one of the top business coaches in Germany. This allows me to draw valuable conclusions for my coaching clients, as topics often overlap.

I have also made huge breakthroughs recently. I have finally broken through my sleep challenge—on my own, without coaching support—and can offer valuable support and experience for my clients when this topic is of concern to them.

Since the beginning of my Medical Medium® journey, I have also been coaching regularly with Muneeza Ahmed when I get stuck, and of course I am always learning essential systematic things and subtleties at a high level, which are sometimes very crucial and can help me make huge steps forward in my situation, currently, for example, in the area of stabilizing the intestines and adrenal glands. This will enable me to support my clients even better in this area in the future.

“At Bernd Bissinger Health Coaching, I help my clients recover with Medical Medium® information. I help them select the right food and supplement protocols tailored to their individual needs and implement them into their daily lives in the best form possible.”