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Dr. Matthias Meier, Impulse Health Management Founder: “I offer manual medicine that combines techniques from American osteopathy, chiropractic and German chirotherapy. I aim to optimize the biomechanics of the spine and increase the function of the autonomic nervous system and thus, regenerate peripheral tissue.”


Dr. Matthias Meier always aspired to become the doctor who could assist people in alleviating their health problems. However, with the passage of time, it became apparent to him that his role primarily involved the suppression of symptoms through medication, injections, or surgical procedures. Consequently, he pursued a career in trauma surgery, as it was the field that closely aligned with his goal of addressing the root causes of health issues. After seven years of practicing surgery, intensive care, and emergency medicine, Dr. Matthias Meier felt a need to approach chronic diseases from a different perspective. He remained dissatisfied, as he could only prescribe pain relief or recommend physical therapy to patients with back pain who visited the emergency room, leaving them with the same unresolved issues. During the first manual medicine class, Dr. Matthias Meier realized that he had the option to alleviate pain and enhance mobility, which was a new idea to him. Subsequently, he became an instructor in manual medicine and delved into the study of American osteopathy. However, even at this stage, he found himself unable to provide adequate assistance to a significant number of his patients.

After nearly two decades of immersing himself in the study of the human body, the realization struck him that to maintain function within a complex, self-regulating system like the human body, structural integrity was essential. This realization pertained to the nervous system’s structure surrounding the spine and pelvis. Upon internalizing this concept, he scrutinized the X-rays and MRIs brought to him by patients, and in every case, he identified misalignments in the spinal segments that were connected to the symptoms. The logic behind this observation became overwhelmingly clear. It became evident that by enhancing spinal structure, he could improve the function of the nervous system, which, in turn, facilitated the regeneration of peripheral tissues. This holistic and systems theory approach became the foundation of his view on health in living organisms. Diagnosis no longer held central importance; instead, the crucial question became how to enhance the healing potential of an individual’s central nervous system.

This core concept led to the inception of Impulse Health Management, which aimed to maximize the healing potential of the central nervous system in individuals.


How Impulse Health Management Does It

When chiropractic adjustments are applied from the skull to the pelvis, they help alleviate pressure throughout the spine. This, in turn, enhances the central nervous system’s functionality, as it is now free to perform its vital functions, such as regulation and regeneration by inducing inflammation. As misalignments gradually decrease, the associated pressure and tension also diminish. Intervertebral discs receive improved nourishment, promoting growth and ultimately enhancing the structural integrity of the spine and pelvis.

The nervous system, especially the autonomic nervous system, experiences an increase in signaling to its destination, facilitating tissue regeneration. Impulse Health management’s ability to demonstrate these positive changes is evident through before-and-after X-rays of the spine and scans of the autonomic nervous system.


Notable Success Stories

Of the many patients that have benefited from the treatment, a few patients were standout for Dr. Meier, because their outcome was unexpected and show that this concept is more than just cracking spinal segments:

  • 61-year-old woman with problems with her knee replacement. After treating her with full spinal manipulation, her Parkinson’s disease decreased and she was able to reduce her medication by 80%. She was able to go on vacation, was mobile again, and was able to put on her favorite shoes again (bunion vanished, foot form normalized) that she hadn´t worn in 10 years.

  • 44-year-old man with tinnitus, vertigo, panic attacks, aortic aneurysm (beginning), heel spur pain, rapid heart rate, headaches, fatty liver. He had been a patient for 4 years now, but has none of the above symptoms anymore. The last ultrasound showed no fatty liver or aortic aneurysm. He does not suffer panic attacks anymore, has no rapid heart rate, tinnitus, vertigo or heel pain. The symptoms didn´t all recede at the same time. But over time and regular treatments he become symptom free.
  • 63-year-old lady with kidney carcinoma. She already had an appointment for surgery. The tumor was 1,2cm in diameter. She wanted to know if the treatments were able to diminish tumor size before the surgery. The intraop-tumor size was 5mm in diameter. Impulse Health management reduced the tumor size by 50% with 5 treatments within 2 weeks.
  • 8-year old girl with incontinence and a very traumatic history of operative dilation of the rectum, many interventions of the bladder. She needed a diaper, could not participate in other children’s events. She was embarrassed and had low self-esteem, and was anxious before the treatment. Dr. Meier was only able to manipulate the cervical spine, as she was too apprehensive for the rest of the treatment to be completed. Dr. Meier received a call from the mother a few days later, in which the mother reported that the girl was able to go the bathroom again and needed no diapers. This was very unexpected for Dr. Meier, because he hadn´t even treated the main nerve supply of the pelvis (lower back and pelvis).
  • 45-year old man with back pain during sports. His x-ray showed a significant degeneration of the lowest lumbar disc. After 30 treatments it was evident that the volume of the disc had doubled, showing that regeneration of intervertebral disc tissue is possible. Dr. Meier published this as a case report in an American case report journal.


It is important to note that these are all single patient events. It won´t work in 100% of the patients, and Dr. Meier is not promoting this as the solution to all problems. It is important however to realize that it can and does work in some (actually in many), and Dr. Meier wishes it were an integral part of medicine so that many patients could spare themselves much of the diagnostic and therapeutic interventions that do not help them heal or remove the cause of the problem.


Pain Management

Pain is an indication of damaged tissue, inflammation or pressure on the sensory part of the nerve that is able to transport pain signals, sometimes a combination of the three. In all of these scenarios it is important to identify the cause of the problem. If there is an injury it is beneficial to maximize healing potential by decreasing pressure on the nervous system and giving the body the nutrients it needs in order to regenerate cells and therefore tissue. Inflammation is a sign of tissue damage as well, in many cases without trauma. Inflammation is an orchestrated event by the nervous system in order to heal tissue. It sends more blood to the area in order to bring more nutrients to the sight of the problem. That means it will swell up, the skin might turn red and be warm to touch, and pain develops, all signs of inflammation i.e. self-regulating healing.

Dr. Meier says that in his experience, it is easier to suppress this with medication, but that will not allow the healing process to be as potent. If inflammation is encouraged (within certain boundaries), then it will be more effective and heal tissue quicker. As the nervous system is the coordinator of inflammation that is where Dr. Meier’s impulse will most probably make a difference. If a spinal nerve is pinched or one in the peripheral tissue (elbow for example), changing structure of the spine and pelvis will lead to better biomechanics, take pressure off the spinal nerve and increase control over the peripheral biomechanics as well. In all of these cases, changing structure of the spine will play a role in decreasing pain and lead to tissue regeneration.

Enhancing Health, Mobility, and Quality of Life through Biomechanical Optimization

Musculoskeletal health is dependent on many factors: biomechanics of the spine, nutrition, mechanical stress, and exercise load. The biomechanics of the spine are worsened by sitting many hours per day, using cell phones or other digital devices, not exercising, trauma, having a monotonous/one sided daily activity. Our western diet and nutrition are on average not very good. Too many processed foods, chemistry, plastic etc. find their way into our bodies and cause a chemical stress, which costs energy to reduce. This energy is not endless and will be missed in other regions where tissue repair will not be as efficient as it could be.

Recommendation: If you have a sitting job, take breaks, and move about giving your intervertebral discs the movement they need to stay healthy. Exercise daily if possible. Get sunshine and Vitamin D, supplement if possible, get rid of negative emotional stress as much as you can, make deep sleep a priority. If symptoms arise find the cause of the problem and remove it.


Path Ahead For Impulse Health Management

Dr. Meier has established a collaboration with a company specializing in skin patches designed to harness the body’s own infrared light. These patches, by emitting light at specific wavelengths, initiate various biochemical processes in the skin, including the stimulation and release of stem cells into the bloodstream. The synergistic approach of rectifying spinal biomechanics and promoting stem cell activation has demonstrated significant benefits for patients. Dr. Meier and his team remain committed to furthering their expertise and refining their services in this endeavor. In addition to their clinical work, Dr. Meier and his wife have co-authored three books, with more publications on the horizon. Currently, Dr. Meier is in the process of creating a comprehensive dictionary of chronic diseases, exploring their development and naturopathic methods for reversal. The first installment of this work is already available in German.

Furthermore, Dr. Meier is working on translating his online courses into English, expanding their accessibility. He will also be conducting webinars targeting specific diseases, offering direct guidance to attendees on lifestyle changes to expedite disease reversal. This valuable service is scheduled to commence in November/December 2023. To keep interested individuals informed, Dr. Meier maintains a weekly newsletter, which will feature updates on specific event dates and announcements.

Meet the leader behind the success of Impulse Health Management

After graduating from medical school in Mainz, Germany and gaining experience abroad in NYC, Los Angeles, and Cape Town, South Africa, Dr. Matthias Meier, Founder of Impulse Health management completed dual residency training in orthopedics/trauma surgery and rehabilitative and physical medicine, and additionally completed American osteopathic training. Today, he is a private practice physician specialized in “reconstructive chirotherapy” and “regenerative medicine” and is a certified team physician for competitive and elite sports. He is also the author of the book: “The Human Race – Too Smart to Survive”. More books have been published in German and will be translated into English soon. He has been awarded to be one of the top 10 service providers for regenerative medicine in Europe (MedTech Outlook Magazine) and has received a TV award from the Swiss Health TV Channel (qs24) for his concept of holistic treatment.

“In my treatment, we get to the root of your symptoms and develop a therapy that targets the causes rather than alleviating the symptoms.”