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Eightfold – Transforming the world of work by pairing people with possibilities


Talent intelligence is fast becoming a recruiter's trusted tool to increase recruiting efficiency. It helps fill in the gaps, so you spend less time finding quality candidates and more time attracting them. Recruiters rely heavily on data and insights to identify patterns and what is and isn't working in their hiring strategy. For example, identifying skill gaps helps them determine the type of candidates they need to target. Managing employee churn determines why people leave the company. Recruiters need this data to make better hiring decisions. But how do you use this data without hours of manual effort? This is where talent intelligence comes in. Put simply, it's a scientific method for collecting, analyzing, and compiling a wealth of candidate data at every stage of the employee lifecycle into comprehensive reports to drive informed hiring decisions throughout the hiring process. Talent intelligence can shed light on difficult questions, such as why your company is prone to employee turnover and how to get your employees to stay. The deeper you dive into talent data, the better prospects you get. It helps you analyze which parts of your hiring process need improvement and is working successfully.

Eightfold is one such talent intelligence platform that was developed to collect, index, and analyze millions and millions of profiles and use advanced AI to match them to jobs, opportunities, and career paths. But the solution doesn’t stop at profiles. Eightfold looks carefully at adjacent skills, people you know, companies you have worked for, the time spent in various jobs, education, and work locations – all of which provides a more comprehensive view of an individual.  Eightfold’s algorithm aims to infer skills not just from jobs — you can train it by using data from successful candidates and then it looks for candidates with similar attributes. It learns quickly, and it learns well. Because Eightfold’s talent intelligence platform is built as an integrated platform, it ingests data from a wide variety of sources – from employee profiles and HRMS data, jobs, ATS data, learning systems, performance data – to match across different areas and for many different use cases, helping recruiters get better and faster at talent matching.

Leveraging Industry-Leading Talent Management Solutions

Talent Intelligence: Eightfold’s deep-learning talent intelligence platform is powered by the largest global talent data set to unleash the full potential of the total workforce – employees, candidates, contractors, and citizens. Grounded in Equal Opportunity Algorithms, the Eightfold® Talent Intelligence Platform uses deep-learning AI to help each person understand their career potential, and each enterprise understand the potential of their workforce. Eightfold’s deep learning AI uses neural networks that learn from 1 billion+ profiles, billions of global data points and 1 million+ unique skills to deliver bias-free, data-driven insights. Eightfold Talent Insight’s self-refreshing global data set enables companies to identify the prevalence of capabilities on a global scale – which capabilities are increasing, which are diminishing, and where to find people with desired capabilities in real-time.

AI Recruiting: Recruiters and managers enjoy a common platform for talent decisions, with consistent processes and standardized metrics that align business needs with day-to-day activities. Every organization needs to hire top talent, increase diversity, offer a compelling candidate experience, and do it all efficiently. Eightfold provides a complete solution from requisition to offer, reducing time-to-fill and delivering positive ROI within months. Eightfold empowers enterprises to hire candidates with the right skills and the ability to learn. Fill roles faster and at lower cost with talent rediscovery, efficient screening, personalized CRM, and much more. That’s hiring for potential with AI. Screen candidates anonymously and deploy real-time diversity analytics to prevent bias, measure equity efforts, and increase hiring of diverse talent. Eightfold Talent Acquisition is your enterprise solution for global recruiting excellence, from requisition to hire. Now you can hire for individual potential, remove bias, and eliminate the need for point solutions and high-cost sourcing.

Talent Management: Eightfold Career Hub integrates all facets of development programs, such as projects, courses, mentors, jobs, and more, to deliver integrated, personalized career plans to each employee in a self-service model. Eightfold Talent Management suggests relevant career opportunities to employees, and enables recruiters to identify internal talent for open roles. Every employee has career aspirations, and most require the development of new skills. Eightfold Career Hub maximizes your existing L&D investments by delivering the courses and projects that help employees develop the skills required to meet their career goals. Eightfold Talent Redeployment improves employee morale and increases employee productivity. By delivering personalized reskilling and upskilling opportunities through Career Hub, customers help their employees find relevant jobs within the organization. Every employee brings a rich history of experiences beyond their current role. With a talent marketplace, managers can quickly find employees with the skills they need to advance critical projects, and employees can identify projects that match their capabilities and aspirations.

Ashutosh Garg | Co-Founder & CEO

With 6000+ research citations, 50+ patents, 35+ peer reviewed research publications, and the outstanding PhD thesis award from UIUC for his PhD thesis in Machine Learning, it’s fair to say that Ashutosh is one of the world’s experts in machine learning. Co-Author of the book “What’s Next for You – The Eightfold Path To Transforming The Way We Hire And Manage Talent”.

"Whether you’re finding or developing talent, our skills-driven approach backed by our unparalleled talent insights enables the outcomes you need to stay ahead.."