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30 Fabulous Companies of the Year 2023

Elevate the performance of Conversational AI with innovative software and solutions: Wysdom


As the appetite for chatbots, voicebots, and conversational AI increases, so does the need to be able to maintain and manage them effectively. Conversational bot management is essential for the success of your chatbot – not only does it ensure that bots are tuned for optimal automation, and high customer experience, delivering consistently useful and accurate results, but it also allows you to monitor and improve performance based on conversational data. Rather than simply fixing what’s not working, bot management has the goal of strategically improving performance in order to achieve business impact.

Wysdom was formed (as CrowdCare) in Toronto with the thesis that combining natural language processing technology with massive amounts of customer data will provide a much better question answering solution. The initial development team is hiring. With over 10 years of bot experience, 75+ bot industry pros, dozens of brand-name customers, and the Wysdom Operations Center, has set the bar for bot management. A chatbot generally interacts through text or voice commands and is able to respond to customer queries based on a predetermined set of rules. There are several types of chatbots – decision tree, menu-based, script-based, and button-based – each with their own nuances, but sharing the common principle of offering quick answers to basic customer inquiries.

Decision tree models create a preprogrammed pathway for users by limiting their input options so they can get scripted responses at each step; this works similarly to a flowchart. Rule-based bots use keywords and identifiers within language triggers in order to provide the relevant response from predetermined questions or topics. Menu-based bots allow customers to choose their intent from a number of categories that are presented to them. Menu-based bots allow customers more control over what information is accessed via different categories on display when initializing an interaction with them! These kinds of automated tools are valuable to quickly address straightforward FAQs.

Q. What is conversational bot management?

Conversational AI is rapidly becoming the next big thing, with Gartner predicting upwards of $2 Billion in spending. As more companies embrace the technology, chatbot owners have the responsibility to deliver on the investment, which is to provide the customer experience and cost savings that were promised. 

The reality is that identifying the use case, choosing the right platform, designing the UX and conversational interactions, and so on, is only half the battle to achieving a high-performing bot. It takes continuous effort to create an outstanding automated experience for your customers. Whether the virtual agent needs new content, an intent refresh, additional use cases, or AI model training, the work of a chatbot owner is ongoing. 

Bot management is a structured and repeatable process to answer those questions, and help you stay on track to achieve the automation and experience goals that deliver the expected value to the organization. 

Q. Why do you need conversational bot management?

All too often, once a bot has been launched people across the organization, but especially executives who have invested heavily and want to know the impact of their investment, start formulating opinions on how it’s performing. Anecdotal evidence of what’s working and more often, what’s not, coupled with second-hand information fuel a growing to-do list. 

Chatbot managers find themselves caught in a loop of chasing down issues, one at a time. The list is determined based on hunches, because they are unable to efficiently identify what’s not working. There is no real prioritization, since every issue shares the same level of urgency. 

Bot management is the key to taking chatbot performance beyond basic fixes and into improvement. Chatbot owners should ask themselves three questions:

  1. How well is their bot performing
  2. what upgrades should they tackle first, for maximum effect
  3. And how will progress be measured? 

A successful bot strategy begins with a clear goal in mind, and can be accomplished by organizing the improvement process into a methodical cycle of activities. By taking this approach, chatbot teams can move away from ad hoc tasks, and achieve the business goals faster and more effectively.

Analytics software for chatbot teams

The Wysdom Operations Center equips chatbot teams with the insights they need to deliver exceptional experiences with Conversational AI. In-depth reporting and analytics from each and every conversation provides unparalleled insight to understand and improve bot automation and bot experience, and build a conversational AI program that creates value. Capture conversations from chatbots, voicebots, and live agents and find opportunities to improve customer journeys.

  • Capture data from all bot platforms, use cases, channels & services.
  • Breakout by sub-brands or roll up for consolidated reporting.
  • Filter and analyze according to channel, language, or other business requirements.

Go beyond surface level reporting and measure what matters to your business. Hone in on topic performance according to volume, containment, and customer experience. Search transcripts with filters for date, channel, language, and more, and measure bot performance according to what customers are actually saying. Find missing intents with an AI-based language model.

Ian Collins, CEO and Co-Founder

“With 10+ years of Conversational AI experience, 75+ bot industry professionals, Operations Center software, and dozens of brand-name customers, we are here to help you improve the performance of Conversational AI.”