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Unleash limitless business growth through an Enapps ERP implementation


The Enapps team today commands years of ERP experience, with over 50 staff strategically placed across the UK, Warsaw, L’viv, Hungary, Italy, France, Australia and New Zealand. New offices were established in Auckland and Brisbane in Q2 2022, thus launching Enapps as a challenger ERP provider on a global scale. A set of core values have helped forge the Enapps ethos, which fundamentally supports growth and development for staff and also the highly valued customer community. It is both the people and the customers that help refine the Enapps solution to be the best in market. Enapps understand the key to successful growth is strengthening and challenging what the clients have, before evolving via a controlled and deliberate growth strategy. Perpetually investing time and money into R&D, system upgrades, implementing customer feedback and testing new technologies, means the Enapps solution continues to go from strength to strength, as do the clients.

People are the essential ingredient to the business and working together in a meaningful way, with true partnerships, is what guarantees the staff and the clients are heard and therefore happy. The team also collaborates with a suite of partners to create solutions with hand-selected technology leaders in dedicated areas of business. An ERP implementation with Enapps is a long-term investment for both the customers and the team, akin to a marriage in many ways. The software and the relationship will undoubtedly encounter challenges along the way as business and markets change constantly, however the team is a solutions-orientated team who strive to always deliver excellent customer service, support and knowledge.

Services the company offers

Accounting: The Enapps ERP Accounting module is integral to the system and seamlessly connects with all of the other ERP software modules. The ERP accounting system functionality consists of a robust set of core bookkeeping functions along with financial configuration and management ERP accounting features. The system also goes well beyond standard accounting software functionality by providing a significantly enhanced feature set such as CIS integration, making tax digital, project accounting, dunning, multi-company, group consolidation and much more. Enapps ERP software is listed by HMRC as a supplier within MTD. The Enapps ERP accounting system suite is fully compatible with HMRC’s Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) which outlines how payments to subcontractors for construction work must be handled by prime contractors in the construction industry along with other business types.

The Enapps ERP accounting software keeps track of all financially relevant changes within the system & if a mistake is made a ‘corrective rollback’ function is supported as standard. Records such as data in Invoices, Payments, or any other financial transactions can be ‘stamped’ with the User ID, Date & Time with a view to maximising data security & system integrity. The Enapps ERP system automatically integrates with many UK banks for payments and statement reconciliation using the Open Banking ecosystem. The system also supports Automatic Bank Reconciliations, which enables a system user to utilise electronic versions of bank statements to ‘automatically’ reconcile to the ERP accounting system.

Business Intelligence: The Enapps Business Intelligence Software ERP module consists of a number of visual tools which enhance the operators’ use of the ERP system by providing visual data pointers to the most important metrics for their particular discipline. System dashboards can be built using graphs, Kanban’s, Gantt charts, maps and KPIs. The Enapps numerical callout functionality also helps within this area by designating a numerical value against a saved system favourite. All of this functionality comes together to deliver a mixture of relevant data visuals which can be user configured for any job function. Where necessary, Enapps integrates with ‘best of breed’ third-party software to enhance the offering. Phocas is ranked #1 BI solution in Gartner’s FrontRunners Report 2021 and offers seamless adaptive, ad-hoc reporting and analysis. This integration enables an SME business to introduce advanced reporting and forecasting with instant, focused and visual data on demand.

Enapps ERP comes as standard with a powerful KPI module that can accommodate any mixture of system metrics. This module does not only capture sales data, but can also for instance capture information from the warehouse operatives which can be key for operational metrics and compliance. Enapps use the built-in KPI functionality to deliver a full picture of warehouse operative efficiencies with a view to calculating the true costs associated with any product. The Enapps dashboarding system allows the operator to create custom or shared dashboards across each discipline within the company. Multiple user configurable dashboards for each operator are supported as standard, and they can contain most elements of the system such as list views, graphs, maps, KPIs and Kanban’s. Also note that Enapps dashboards are not just graphical representations of the data, but can also be directly ‘drilled’ into, to get the precise information that is required.

Vadim Chobanu, Founder and CEO

“Enapps ERP software fully connects and integrates all of the processes within each department of an organisation with a unified application. This is crucial when running a business, since it allows all relevant disciplines within the organisation to collaborate using the most up-to-date information available thereby completely eliminating ‘multiple versions of the truth’.”