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Tyson Roberts, Etumos CEO: “Our skilled team is grounded in a distinct philosophy and approach”


Etumos enables marketers to focus on activities that create revenue by helping them build a thoughtful, data-informed framework to optimize and measure engagement throughout the customer journey. Etumos cut through the hype and noise of today's martech landscape by using proven best practices that maximize the effectiveness of its clients' tech stacks, no matter the complexity. Maximize the ROI of your MAP with a free health audit. Your marketing automation platform (MAP) is the single source of truth for your marketing data. How does that sentence make you feel? If the answer is “a little queasy,” then let us dive in headfirst and provide recommendations of how you can fix it.

Let Etumos assist you with the best path forward on your multi-touch journey. From basic support to advanced configuration, Etumos will make sure that you are getting the most you can out of Marketo Measure (Bizible).

Marketo Measure, formerly Bizible, is an excellent attribution software program that can provide valuable insights into an organization’s current marketing efforts. However, not everyone has the extra time or knowledge to navigate a program to reap the most benefits from its data collection. That is where working with a Bizible expert comes in handy.

Marketo Measure, formerly Bizible, for Revenue Attribution

Naturally, several platform types can provide some advantages to a company’s marketing strategy. However, each software program will have its features and elements, making it tedious to learn the ins and outs of multiple platforms.

Marketo Measure, formerly Bizible, helps bridge the gap for revenue attribution across multiple revenue driving activities.

The best-automated attribution platforms will only work as well as the parameters. Often, there can be an abundance of helpful information for an organization, but it becomes missed when the correct queries are not in place. A Bizible expert can ensure all the valuable data is collected and used for marketing efforts.

Although many organizations may have a dedicated team of MOPs experts who can handle these tasks, their position may require other duties that make it challenging to allocate time for these responsibilities. Using Bizible experts can help save an organization time and money while providing more efficient use of resources.

Vital Considerations When Searching for a Marketo Measure, formerly Bizible, Expert

After an organization realizes how beneficial Bizible can be for their business and how more straightforward it is to have an expert take care of this task, the search begins for qualified prospects.

Knowing what to look for will make the hunt for Bizible professionals easier. Like other qualified individuals in various industries, some vital elements will guide choosing the best people for the job.

The top 5 vital considerations for a Bizible expert include:

  1. Skillful in Adobe Programs
  2. Knowledgeable in Digital Marketing Strategies
  3. Top Analytical Reporting Skills
  4. Expert with CRM Technologies
  5. Demand Generation Specialist

Skillful in Adobe Programs

There is much more to navigating Bizible than having Adobe experience and knowing how to use the programs. Although this attribution software is part of the Adobe platform, several credentials, like being an Adobe certified expert in other Adobe platforms, can indicate proficiency with its many programs.

Knowledgeable in Digital Marketing Strategies

Profit does not come from setting up a marketing effort once and letting it do the work. Instead, using the talents of expert individuals will provide the key to continuous success. They will closely monitor the organizational initiatives, adjust as necessary, and ensure the most efficient use of marketing efforts.

One excellent way to find Bizible experts is by seeking out individuals who were successful with the Marketo certified expert exam or who have run Marketo instances and done Marketo consulting. This training equips candidates with automated marketing fundamentals and strategies and proficiency with digital marketing concepts.

Obtaining Marketo certification validates an individual’s skills and competencies with digital marketing strategies. This way, a Bizible expert has the knowledge to help drive growth and improve ROI (Return on Investment) by proper analytics from data reports.

Top Analytical Reporting Skills

Obtaining comprehensive reports will only be valuable if they are understood and are useful in current and future marketing efforts. Marketo Measure, formerly Bizible, experts know how critical analytical reporting is to the success of a business.

Some vital elements that experts should recognize and be knowledgeable about include:

  • Engagement Metrics
  • Performance Metrics
  • ROI Metrics

Being proficient in all aspects of analytical reporting and lead-to-revenue reporting will ensure that each piece of data is valuable to help grow site traffic, click-through rates, reconversions, and lead generation. Not only will a Bizible expert know how to utilize this data, but they will also help guide an organization in making more profitable marketing decisions based on this information.

One essential element to analyzing data from marketing efforts is using deep dive methods to hone in on a specific aspect of the customer journey. Narrowing down the positives and negatives of each touchpoint throughout the entire online journey can bring to light flaws or unintentional adverse results as a marketing effort.

Using the deep dive method for exploration should be a regular occurrence by a Bizible expert. These tasks help keep business processes active and profitable while running effective marketing strategies.

The Takeaway

The benefits of using Bizible experts are numerous. And while specialty software programs like this will present advantages, having individuals who know the ins and outs help make the entire process easy to understand.

These professionals at Etumos can guide your organization in making the best digital marketing choices for your business needs. With helpful tips and careful analytical strategies, these experts can ensure that Bizible works for your benefit, now and in the future.

Using an expert Bizible consultant ensures that your organization uses this automated attribution software program the most. Following your customer journey map and increasing ROI has never been easier when reaching out for Bizible expert services.

Tyson Roberts, CEO

“We believe that technical people need a seat at the strategy table to ensure that organizations with complex marketing strategies are supported by capable, specialized marketing operations professionals.”