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30 Fabulous Companies of the Year 2024

Phoenix Security: Analyzing and Contextualizing Threat and Hen Acting On Risks That Matter the Most


These days, almost no business or industry is safe from cyberattacks. This means that in order to defend enterprises against potential attacks and prevent the theft of sensitive data online, sufficient security and risk management solutions are essential. Modern businesses must implement these cybersecurity measures in order to function successfully in the globally connected digital environment of today.

More than ever, businesses are searching for a fabulous cybersecurity company. The information security sector is expanding nearly at an exponential rate, and cybersecurity appears to have a promising future. The majority of businesses outsource their digital security to cybersecurity services, despite the fact that larger organizations and banks are creating internal cybersecurity departments.

For businesses in search of a fabulous cybersecurity partner, they should look at Phoenix Security. The Phoenix Security platform uses contextually-based intelligence to let you prioritize vulnerabilities from code to cloud. Phoenix Security provides exact actions to the team that needs them, enabling you to immediately quantify and minimize your exposure to cyber risk.

Stop the burnout — Meet Phoenix Security

Phoenix Security assists companies in giving the true security, monetary, and human costs of vulnerabilities a higher priority in order to avoid employee burnout.

With Phoenix, companies may go from a red landscape to green in weeks rather than months by following the quickest and most effective route. Phoenix Security assists developers in setting priorities rather than exhausting them.

Phoenix Security is not here to schedule your priorities; we're here to prioritize your calendar. You can determine what needs to be done to effectively safeguard your business when you act on risk. Observe the impact it has on lowering the expenses associated with employee burnout in addition to financial savings. Phoenix Security assists companies in freeing their teams from routine triage so they can work together to address the risks that are most dangerous to the company.

Application Security & Cloud Security on the Phoenix Platform

Businesses may evaluate cloud and application security with Phoenix Security. After that, address any possible dangers. By using the platform, enterprises can combine cloud security and application security into a single perspective and increase productivity by focusing on and addressing the most critical issues.

From Vulnerabilities to Actions

From code to deployment, Phoenix Security offers a single, simple-to-use platform for all assets. The technology delivers prioritized vulnerabilities in development backlogs in real-time updates. By using the platform, firms can avoid merely speculating on the location of risk. Determine with absolute clarity the location of assets, who is in charge of them, and the context of their danger.

The AI engine of the Phoenix Security platform exposes vulnerabilities that are prioritized into development backlogs by utilizing contextual localization and threat data. The Phoenix Security platform allows developers to concentrate on what matters most by providing precise risk-based actions.

Platform Features

  • Actionable Visibility

Utilizing network location, business context, and cyber threat intelligence, the platform dynamically prioritizes application and cloud vulnerabilities.

You can stay up-to-date on the most exploitable vulnerabilities at all times with the Phoenix Security platform.

  • Insight, not just data

Businesses that use risk-based posture and real-time information may take action on the vulnerabilities that really matter. The platform provides a real-time perspective of risk using AI-based prioritization and correlation.

  • Automate Workflow

Give the team that needs to work on them the vulnerabilities that matter most. Assign remediation straight to the applicable teams' backlogs based on network location, cyber threat intelligence, application security, cloud security, and container vulnerabilities.

  • Real-time to value

Use prioritizing and contextualization to your advantage to provide developers with a strong, automatically updated backlog. Allow developers and security operations to focus on the most critical vulnerabilities.

Phoenix's ASPM Single View

Based on the Gartner Application Security Hype cycle, Phoenix Security has been identified as a top vendor and a pioneer in the application security posture management (ASPM) space.

By combining contextualization and aggregation and emphasizing a risk-based perspective, Application Security Posture Management Tools (ASPM) expand on the idea first presented by ASOC tools.

Application Security Posture Management, or ASPM, is a security solution that offers visibility into the application security posture of a company, including policy infractions, vulnerabilities, and other security threats. Security teams can proactively detect and address vulnerabilities and other security concerns by using ASPM solutions, which generally provide an all-encompassing perspective of an organization's application security posture.

  • Prioritization

Vulnerabilities and security challenges are not all created equal. Which vulnerability — one on an internal system protected by security safeguards or one on an asset exposed over the internet — would you fix? With Phoenix Security Auto-Prioritization, you may decide which vulnerability has the highest chance of being exploited.

  • Impact Analysis

What is the true value of essential applications? How much would you lose in terms of productivity? Phoenix Security uses AI-based risk modeling and FAIR approaches to automatically analyze and update your cybersecurity financial exposure.

  • Correlate Results

What is the relationship between application security, cloud security, and container security? You can centralize vulnerability results across various domains using AppSec Phoenix. With Phoenix Security SMART tags, you can automatically and dynamically correlate the deployment of cloud security with application security, ensuring that your apps' risk profile is always up-to-date regardless of where they are running.

  • Central Risk-based Platform

Quantifying cyber risk is a useful approach to gauge the business's exposure and risk. Phoenix Security provides a single risk-based pane of glass by correlating vulnerability data and providing an AI-based auto-updating model that links application security, cloud security, and container security.

  • Application Security Risk

Teams frequently invest time and resources in compiling the massive volumes of data that testing tools generate into something that can be used immediately. Phoenix Security creates better planning for future development by centralizing, analyzing, and correlating security tooling information into a single risk-based pane of glass.

  • Track Progress and Remediation

Evaluate the performance of the team, monitor the time it takes to fix vulnerabilities, and follow the road to green. CISO and application security should receive regular, quantifiable progress reports.

Meet the CEO

Francesco Cipollone is the Founder and CEO of Phoenix Security.

“Phoenix Security enables security, developers, and businesses to all speak the same language. We help security professionals focus on the most common vulnerabilities across cloud, infrastructure, and application security.”