30 Most Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2022
The Silicon Review
"He has made outstanding seminal contributions to tolerance and peace, as well as to leadership, for over 40 years."
H.E. Eng. Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al-Jarwan is an outstanding professional, influencer, and world changer. For several years, Mr. Al Jarwan has been among the most visible proponents of promoting tolerance and peace in the Arab region and then in the world—as a president of the Arab Parliament (for two consecutive rounds), as the founder and president of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP), as the president of the General Union of Arab Experts, and as the president of the Paris Forum for Development and Peace.
He has defined a list of peace objectives to contribute to conflict transformation, positively impact society, and transfer knowledge and expertise to the young generations. He serves the world as a peacebuilder and tolerance advocator, empowers women and youth, and contributes to achieving the United Nation’s SDGs Goal 16.
As a journalist, I find Global Council for Tolerance and Peace quite striking. From the emotional branding standpoint to the high energy and motivation I felt just talking with the founder and president, H. E. Ahmed Al Jarwan, GCTP continues to make a difference. It’s the sense of pride I get just doing this interview and learning about the organization. Here’s what he said.
“GCTP’s main mission is to work on spreading the culture of tolerance and peace to address the issues of contemporary world peace, through its different components such as the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) and the General Assembly for Tolerance and Peace (GATP).”
“The organization works through different projects, activities, programs, and events to promote the values of tolerance and a culture of peace; fight against discrimination, religious sectarianism, ethnocentrism, and sectarian bigotry among human beings; and develop the norms of international law to strengthen the principles of tolerance for achieving peace.”
GCTP through its two organs the IPTP and GATP is working on different projects to prevent all types of conflicts. The IPTP has six standing committees: Cultivating peace, international relations, legal affairs, sustainable development, women and youth, and preventing violent extremism. These committees work for the GCTP by providing a platform for the members to jointly discuss parliamentary actions and legislative work necessary to implement existing relevant resolutions and strategies regarding promoting peace and tolerance values and specifically conflict resolution. The committees support parliaments in implementing international instruments and obligations for preventing conflict, extremism, violence, discrimination, etc., addressing conditions conducive to prevention and protective factors, and filling the gaps in the implementation of international legal and other instruments.
Furthermore, the GATP is working closely with its members through different projects to support the work of the IPTP.
“The IPTP is the legislative body of the GCTP. It’s composed of more than 90 MPs representing their national parliaments. Meeting of the parliament shall be quarterly held; it can be exceptionally held, if necessary. IPTP members are tackling the world’s current issues, working on proposing solutions by declaring statements, charters, and setting action plans to be implemented, as well as issues raised by the GATP all for the sake of a world of peace. The IPTP submits its recommendations to the international community.”
“The GATP is a gathering place for those who are concerned with tolerance, security, and peace around the world, held every year, and concerned with studying ways to promote tolerance and peace, ways to overcome obstacles to the application of the standards recognized by the United Nations. It is composed of more than 50 universities and civil society originations and many individuals. It is concerned with issues related to sustainable development, women and youth, education, culture, and society, as well as media and communication.”
Promoting Peaceful Coexistence
GCTP seeks to achieve its objectives through a strategic framework and through an execution plan that includes two main axes: International Communication Programs and Activating Mechanisms of Soft Power.
International Communication Programs: Such Programs aim to strengthen the Council’s presence on the international scene by opening effective channels of communication with intergovernmental organizations, states, parliaments, international non-governmental organizations, personalities with outstanding activity in tolerance and peace, and major universities and research and study centers around the world.
Activating Mechanisms of Soft Power: The Council will activate the mechanisms of soft power to serve the principles of tolerance and peace in the world through, a) convening periodic international conferences in accordance with international developments and the interest of tolerance and peace in the world, b) cultural exchange programs that aim to promote the culture of coexistence, combat extremism and terrorism, renounce violence and strengthen human values in general and values of tolerance in particular, c) Media System Program, in which the Council establishes an information system that will help it reach various parts of the world to promote the culture of tolerance and peace, d) open regional offices in the selected five countries and enable it to carry out work more efficiently.
Effective Working Alliance with the UN
GCTP has established a strong relationship with presidents of various countries and has been recognized by many of them for the achievements of its president, H. E. Ahmed Al Jarwan, regarding spreading the values of tolerance and peace. Furthermore, this relationship has led to the signature of many MOUs, and collaboration with the United Nations, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNAOC, IPU, EU, Pan Africa, Arab Parliament, Palatino, Alesco, and many others. Furthermore, GCTP responds to many calls of the UN and celebrates all the UN declared international days, especially the ones related to tolerance and peace.