Bi-Monthly Special Edition 2021
The Silicon Review
“Besides I.L.I.F.T, we’ve got a new model in the works that combines different fitness sectors into one service unlike anyone has done, and we call it the hybrid model.”
In the previous article, ‘Our Patent-Pending I.L.I.F.T System Allows us to be the Only one in the World to Debunk the Age-Old Notion that Fitness Goals cannot be Achieved in a Group Setting,’ Larry Nolan, founder and CEO of Hardcore Fitness Boot Camp, stated that “with the never-give-up attitude, we have made it to the list of fastest-growing private companies in the US, with locations all over the country.” Here I expand on that statement, explaining how Mr. Nolan went from rags to riches. As a journalist, I don’t think ‘rags’ usage is appropriate in this context, but he did lose most of his assets before making it to the top. Put simply, his story strengthens your belief system as a whole that ‘nothing is impossible.’ Quite inspiring! Larry Nolan is the Chris Nolan (Hollywood) of the fitness industry in terms of productivity and perseverance.
Converting a problem into an opportunity is something that separates a genius mind from the rest. Larry Nolan, as a teenager, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and Raynaud’s phenomena—a circulatory disorder. But his iron will of transforming his strength came to fruition, even though he was advised to stay away from such activities.
“I decided not to take any medication as I had watched ‘Rocky 5’ and Jean-Claud van dam and wanted to be like them.”
It was during this time when he decided to be a personal trainer at a fitness facility. From fighting his illness to transforming his body shape to looking to train others speaks volumes about his grit and courage.
“During this process, I met my now wife Nadia Nolan as a client, and she gave me the confidence and pushed me to start my program. This is how Hardcore Fitness Boot Camp was set up.”
Establishing a business is a piece of cake; anyone can do it as they say. But running a business is not for the faint of heart.
“We had our first-ever vacation planned as a couple and had to cancel it because this (own program) panned out, and we got to sign the lease. We worked day and night to build this gym and put every penny into it.”
“Worse part; we started, and a month later, the recession hit. On top of that, we had been open for a short time, and a client in real estate alerted us that the building was foreclosed, and in a few weeks, a padlock would be on the door. At this point, we had no money left. Eventually, we sold what we had to get a little cash to restart.”
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan launched their first establishment, but things did not go their way. To re-launch the business, they ran from pillar to post and faced numerous roadblocks. As they say in the first movie of the Batman Trilogy: “Sometimes things just go bad.”
“We worked round the clock for a few weeks to ensure things are in the right place. Yet again, something terrible as a flood hit my new establishment. The whole place was inundated. Apparently, we had hit the water line running beneath the building. Things went haywire. It felt that I was defeated; therefore, broken.”
Here, at this point, the Nolan family was struggling to keep things afloat finances-wise while tackling small-scale but pesky matters such as water line rupture, power outage, etc.
“The worst; we lost our home that same year. It was quite a frustrating phase of our lives. Despite this, we made sure that our staff got paid on time, and the gym kept going as we had to struggle to launch the business so many times.”
Fighting against all odds, big- or small-scale, the Nolan family successfully re-launched their business. Currently, Hardcore Fitness is one of the fastest-growing private companies in the US, with locations all over the country. A terrific feat, I must say!
The Hardcore Fitness Model
Hardcore Fitness offers multiple boutique gym classes, from its resistance training to boxing-inspired fight camp class or its booty class programmed by bikini pros.
“A huge way we are unique and these classes are so is the fact that I designed and had our resistance training equipment manufactured and patented, allowing us to do exercises, shape, and tone a body in a group setting unlike anyone else can. We combined 30,000 sq. ft. of commercial gym equipment into a handful of multi-use pieces of equipment we utilize in our classes to allow us a level of training others simply can’t offer.
Unlike the other group fitness boutique gyms such as F45 or Orange Theory Fitness, commercial gyms such as La Fitness or 24 Hour Fitness, and private training studios only for personal training, Hardcore Fitness promises exclusive services.
“Our model is unique because we don’t fit into a commercial gym model, private training studio, or boutique gym.”
Besides, Hardcore Fitness offers personal training, nutrition services, its supplement line, and much more at locations that span across the country now.
The nutrition app offers dietitian-designed meal plans that are calorie and goal-specific for each new member down to a grocery list, all included for free with each membership.
“Most gyms leave the key part of diet out with a gym membership, but we not only include it but at the highest level. We offer accountability coaching, small group training, 60-day challenges, and we even have our Hardcore live and on-demand to offer workouts at your home and a lot more, all under one roof and still for a lower price than most competitors providing a fraction of what we do. Put simply, Hardcore Fitness offers the most all-inclusive transformation program you will find.”
I.L.I.F.T: A Hardcore Fitness-Created Display System
Larry Nolan sketched out an idea for a display system called I.L.I.F.T (Instructor Lead Integrated Fitness Technology) years ago. The display system would show a video demo of exercises. The magic is that the screen has a color-coded area paired with colored wristbands clients wear in class. For example, a new client will get a green wristband; when they get to class, they will see the demo with a green ring illuminated around it for a few seconds, and they will know that’s for them to do. It can then go to a video with a blue ring for more seasoned members or a video with no ring for mid-experience members. They may also see a blue box with text telling the more seasoned clients advanced training protocol to implement like a drop set, slow negative, static holds, or many others.
“This patent-pending system allows us to be the only one in the world to scale to YOUR specific fitness level regardless of what we offer (a range of workouts) in a group setting!”
Moreover, this patent-pending system also allows a client to pick their preferred training style every class, be it cross-training (weights plus cardio) for a fast pace sweat-inducing workout or a traditional weight training workout to sculpt and tone your body again in a group setting that is now made truly personal to each member every single workout.
“My goal is to find ways to add value to my clients’ experience, and the group model is the only way to do that large scale.”
Staying Ahead in the Changing Industry
I.L.I.F.T is truly a game-changer for the fitness industry. Needless to say, this technology puts Hardcore Fitness in the driver’s seat.
“Besides I.L.I.F.T, we’ve got a new model in the works that combines different fitness sectors into one service unlike anyone has done, and we call it the hybrid model.”
The Resilient Leader Upfront
Larry Nolan, founder, serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Hardcore Fitness Boot Camp.