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50 Most Trustworthy Companies of the Year 2022

InMoment – Helping Businesses Create Effective and Profitable Programs That Improve Experiences


Experiences shape the world. Experiences are a culmination of moments filled with emotions, judgments, learnings, and much, much more. Therefore, every moment presents an opportunity to make a positive impact; to leave a mark. With good data, the right technology, and human expertise, businesses today can solve hard problems and change the world for the better. It is important to deliver technology and use years of expertise to unlock a comprehensive understanding of not only the actions people are taking, but also the emotion driving what they do and why.

InMoment is one such company, which is helping their clients improve experiences at the intersection of value–where customer, employee, and business needs come together. The heart of what they do is connect their clients with what matters most through a unique combination of comprehensive data, modern technology, and human expertise that helps executives and the companies they lead –recognize the power and value of customer and employee experiences. With years of Experience Improvement (XI) Solutions and expertise, and leading-edge Experience Intelligence (XI) Platform, they ensure businesses understand and own the moments that matter to transform experiences today that deliver the highest business value tomorrow. The InMoment Approach places business drivers at the forefront of experience program initiatives. The company helps their customers solve specific business challenges- Acquisition, Retention, and Growth. Their XI efforts ensure that the 2000+ brands across 95 countries realize maximum business impact.

The Experience Intelligence™ (XI) Platform

XI Studios: InMoment’s Studios provide a list of the most applicable tools you need for various objectives, allowing you to pick and choose the ones most appropriate. Design, create, and deploy smart and effective methods for data collection, from micro surveys to long-form relational surveys and everywhere in between. Drive conversations with customers and employees using their AI-powered solutions, which reduce survey fatigue, elicits more valuable responses, and resolves challenges in-the-moment. Experience Improvement is a result of targeted, effective action. Within InMoment’s Improvement Studio, you have the tools to mine and analyze unstructured data, manage and resolve cases, create and promote advocacy and take broader action to realize true experience improvement for your customers and employees. Different functions have different reporting needs. InMoment’s Reporting Studio allows you to create, schedule, and share personalized, actionable reporting for everyone-from the frontline to the CEO. InMoment’s Data Management Studio makes managing data easy, allowing you to import, export, manage and transform data to meet your needs. Whether you’re integrating with other systems of record, or gathering data you have available on your hard drive, the Data Management Studio makes the process seamless.

Active Listening Studio™: InMoment’s patented, AI-powered Engagement Engine™ encourages rich conversations by listening and responding to customers in real time, eliciting not only more, but more valuable responses. Solve customer issues before they ever reach an agent. The Rapid Resolution Engine™ directs customers to helpful information within the feedback experience, proactively reducing contact center volume and significantly improving the customer experience. InMoment helps you tap into popular online review and social sites and embeds these stories alongside additional experience data, ensuring you have the full spectrum of the customers’ voice built into your business decisions. Using the Active Listening Studio to revamp its listening, a leading global retailer increased survey response rates by 37% and response length by 38%. This meant more and better customer-sourced guidance for every department across the organization.

Smart Text Analytics: Structured feedback and scores can be great indicators for performance, but the game-changing insights are those hidden in your unstructured feedback. Many brands still spend hours upon hours analyzing them word by word when they should be using that time to make smarter decisions and ultimately drive change. Let InMoment’s AI do the heavy lifting on the text analysis, so you can spend time lifting your results. When feedback is analyzed in silos, you miss critical context that can make or break your business. Connect data from surveys, social reviews, and call scripts all the way to legislation, regulation, and market reports. Create your own tags to deep dive into your unstructured data and take immediate action on your findings—such as sharing comments with others, marking feedback complete or invalid, and creating actionable segments to close the loop at scale.

XI Experience Clouds: From third-party delivery to distributed workforces to telemedicine, the ways clients' shop, dine, work, and receive care are forever changed—and will continue to evolve. The Experience Intelligence™ (XI) Platform Experience Clouds are thoughtfully crafted to help you synthesize disparate data sources and identify emerging trends. Each cloud provides a suite of applications—augmented by industry-specific specialists—that enable the jobs to be done within various departments. Whether it’s your human resources team, digital marketing specialists, or operational data analysts, the Experience Clouds ensure the right people at your company have access to the information and insights they need, enabling streamlined workflows, immediate action, and measurable improvement. Built on a robust and modern architecture, Experience Clouds can be used individually or in combination to create a holistic view of your organization’s experience improvement initiatives.

Meet the Visionary Leader

Andrew Joiner is the Chief Executive Officer of InMoment. He brings extensive expertise in building global, market-leading, high-growth SaaS organizations. Prior to joining InMoment, Joiner served as worldwide head of the HP Software’s customer experience business, an ~$250 million independent software business of Hewlett Packard. Before that, he led the high-growth business unit within HP Autonomy, an ~$1.1 billion market leader in providing unstructured data applications and solutions, focused on customer experience and marketing technology. Joiner was acquired into Autonomy via ZANTAZ in 2006 having served as founder and CEO of Singlecast Technologies, a pioneer in unstructured data classification.

"We’re ushering in the Experience Improvement (XI) movement to transform the way your organization approaches business initiatives."