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February Edition 2024

JumpGrowth: The holy grail for all businesses


JumpGrowth is a digital development studio that aims to help startups and businesses change the future with help of scalable and unique apps. JumpGrowth is part and a registered trademark of OTS Solutions. Started in 2018 as a separate brand, JumpGrowth focuses on being app/software development arm for startups and mid-sized businesses. JumpGrowth’s developers specialize in developing mobile and web applications. JumpGrowth has been known for its high level of customer service with over 300 clients using its apps and services. Expertise and high quality are the core values of JumpGrowth. JumpGrowth has agile in its DNA and is used to achieve the most effective possible outcomes for the clients’ next app development project. The specialties include Cloud and DevOps, Mobility, Intuitive User Interfaces, Augmented and Virtual reality, API development, AI (artificial intelligence), Social Interactions, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Today’s startups follow lean approach which align well with agile software development principles. The need to fail fast and fail often requires technology startup companies to bring their product features earliest to market and gain the feedback so that they develop ahead in iterations. The agile development approach enables them to develop their products iteratively and continuously. JumpGrowth practices agile & lean methodologies like Scrum and Kanban in all the software development life cycles. The team believes strongly that all software development must follow agile practices to produce best results for all stakeholders. Gone are those days when software was built with large production cycles of man years or even man months. Today’s technology startups want to release new things weekly and some may even choose even shorter release cycles.

Top services JumpGrowth provides its clients

Scoping and Analysis: Do not wait for falling sales or delayed project deadlines to force the clients make this decision. Request a proposal with the team to open the clients’ business to doors of growth & profit with in-depth strategic analysis.  The team thinks it is important to lay a solid foundation. Initial information that the clients provide to the team helps the team to streamline the entire development process. The goal is to comprehend the clients’ product needs. The team strives to create a better product once the team comprehends the clients’ brand and goals. To start the session, the team will ask the clients certain questions. The team gains a thorough knowledge of the clients’ business objectives by getting to know the clients’ target audience. The steam gives the clients the essential information and thoroughly examines all the clients’ project-related worries. The team examines the scope of work by better comprehending the clients’ objectives and vision. The team uses the extensive technical knowledge and experience to guide the clients’ project in the appropriate direction.

After a thorough review, the team talks about expectations and work to improve the clients’ comprehension of the concept and its capabilities. The team characterizes the clients’ product, infer the clients’ value propositions, and specify the project’s parameters. A crucial step in the software development process is the use of Epic. The team diagrams the clients’ business concepts, sketch the MVP (Minimum Viable Product), and prioritize the clients’ goals. A project that is the well-organized makes it easier to reach the result. The team reaches the session’s conclusion, a clearly defined scope of work, after establishing the project scope and writing an epic. A Statement of Work (SOW) is a thorough report in which the team outlines the planned project’s scope and provides a rough estimate of its budget and timing.

Technical Evaluation: The technical evaluation process helps startups and big firms understand insights about their ideas. In this technical evaluation report, the team will talk about the areas such as the clients’ business idea requirements, scalability, feasibility, and visibility. An evaluation measures against the expected and planned performance. This evaluation measures the scope of the clients’ business ideas that will help with cost estimation. This report will separate the curable and un-curable risks in detail. It will suggest the clients existing alternative solutions that will help the clients to understand the competitor’s market. With the help of the experts and SME’s the clients can decide the feasibility of the clients’ business idea.

Product Roadmap: JumpGrowth can help the clients choose the things that can be achieved as first minimum value product version of the product to get users and industry feedback faster. The clients benefit with the experience in MVP planning and identifying the essential set of features vs. desired set of features that forms a perfect MVP. MVP Planning helps stake holders not just to operate under their budget but also bring forward product release that can help them raise money or even be cash positive in many cases. JumpGrowth helps entrepreneurs in formulating their product ideas in form of user identifiable features. JumpGrowth helps entrepreneurs in formulating their product ideas in form of user identifiable features. Many times the MVP features are ambitious and challenging to innovate. JumpGrowth helps entrepreneurs in checking technical feasibility of such features by creating working proof of concepts and other tools. JumpGrowth offers services to prioritize and plan the features of MVP release so that entrepreneurs have foreseen predictable delivery schedules helping them plan other operational activities accordingly.

Meet the leader behind the success of JumpGrowth

Hemant Madaan, Chief Executive Officer 

Hemant Madaan is a founder and serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in IT & Software Development, working with people from many cultures. Aspires to help technology startups and business IT leaders achieve excellence in Digital Innovation Initiatives planning, implementation, and success.

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