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January Monthly Special 2022

Kide Science – Generating the Next Generation of Critical Thinkers through High-Quality Pedagogy


As the education world explores strategies to equip students with the skills and knowledge they’ll need to be successful innovators in a 21st century workforce, there has been a growing emphasis on STEAM — the educational discipline that engages students around the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math. STEAM empowers teachers to employ project-based learning that crosses each of the five disciplines and fosters an inclusive learning environment in which all students are able to engage and contribute. As opposed to traditional models of teaching, educators using the STEAM framework bring the disciplines together, leveraging the synergy between the modeling process and math and science content, for example, in order to blur the boundaries between modeling techniques and scientific/mathematical thinking. Through this holistic approach, students are able to exercise both sides of their brain at once.

Kide Science is one such research-backed, play-based STEAM education program for teachers of 3-to-8-year-old scientists everywhere.  The founders of the company embarked on a five-year research journey that would irrevocably change how the early science education is looked upon. In collaboration with the University of Helsinki, it hosted over 1,000 young children’s science clubs, and turned learnings into an engaging STEAM education model that meets children in an environment most natural to them: the imagination. At Kide Science, they know that children are active learners by nature. As a teacher or a parent, you’re bound to know it, too. Because children have a strong tendency to explore and experiment, its pedagogy shifts science learning into imaginative science play.

Leveraging Robust and Best-in-Class STEAM Learning Platform

STEAM Pedagogy: You don't need to be a scientist to teach science confidently. Its online lesson plans and trainings include everything you need to master STEAM pedagogy from the comfort of your home. It offers detailed training and step-by-step lesson plans; everything you need to be a confident science teacher for your child. Get all the support you need to inspire your child at home. The company’s online training includes instructional videos, alongside clear lesson plans. They are always available to answer any questions you might have through its friendly online help; supporting your growth as well as your child's. Kide Science provides over 80 lessons including all the scientific explanations, teaching tips and experiment videos you will ever need. And they also produce new lessons every month.

STEAM Teaching Experience for Early Education: As dedicated, passionate, and well-informed as the world’s eight million early educators are, many feel they lack the time and skills to guide fruitful, rewarding science activities. Their high-quality lesson plans include video-guided experiments, engaging stories, and pedagogical tips. No need for expensive kits here; the lessons only ever call for everyday supplies. Each of their lessons is based on a story. An engaging narrative with a kooky cast of characters makes it easy for young kids to follow along. 95 percent of their students want to return to the activities. The online training modules include everything you need to master the STEAM pedagogy. Kide Science focuses on teaching principles and theory that apply to the most important areas of life – empathy, communication, observation – and help you demonstrate skill growth with a Finnish pedagogy-based assessment tool. To the extent that STEAM education is based on a foundation of integration — of integrating different skills and disciplines with the goal of providing a richer educational experience — all teachers can benefit from a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of STEAM education.

The Leader Upfront     

Sari Hurme-Mehtälä is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Kide Science.

“At Kide Science, we know that children are active learners by nature. As a teacher or a parent, you’re bound to know it, too. Because children have a strong tendency to explore and experiment, our pedagogy shifts science learning into imaginative science play.”