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50 Leading Companies of the Year 2024

Unlocking the Potential of Advertising Tech and Data: Exploring LoKnow's Journey


In the realm where advertising meets technology and data, there exists a beacon of innovation and insight known as LoKnow. Positioned as a premier advertising tech and data company, LoKnow specializes in traversing the digital landscape, coast to coast, to unearth the perfect audience for your brand. With a mantra that values efficiency and precision, LoKnow prides itself on crafting campaigns that not only resonate but also yield tangible results. After all, in the bustling world of advertising, time and resources are precious commodities, and LoKnow ensures that every effort is strategically invested in reaching the right audience, at the right time, and in the right place. The essence of LoKnow's ethos lies in its profound understanding of human behavior, gleaned from the physical world. As individuals traverse through life, their preferences, hobbies, and habits paint a vivid picture of who they are. Harnessing the power of data harvested from real-world interactions, LoKnow delves deep into the intricacies of consumer behavior, unraveling invaluable insights that form the bedrock of effective advertising strategies.

At the heart of LoKnow's philosophy is the belief that digital advertising transcends mere marketing—it is an art form, a conduit for creativity, and a catalyst for meaningful connections. Grounded in this conviction, LoKnow champions creativity as the driving force behind innovation and progress. Within its diverse team, a collective synergy thrives, where individuals with varied skills, talents, and personalities converge to forge unparalleled solutions. Collaboration is not just a buzzword at LoKnow; it's a way of life—a testament to the belief that together, they can achieve greatness. Yet, amidst the bustling activity of brainstorming sessions and collaborative endeavors, LoKnow remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering an environment where every voice is heard and valued. Embracing openness and inclusivity, LoKnow cultivates a culture of learning and growth, recognizing that the most profound insights often emerge from the exchange of diverse perspectives. Here, individuals are empowered to seize opportunities, take ownership of their ideas, and enact meaningful change—a testament to the boundless potential that resides within each member of the LoKnow family. Amidst the rigors of digital advertising, LoKnow understands the importance of balance and rejuvenation. In celebrating achievements, they also prioritize self-care and collective joy, recognizing that a healthy work-life balance is essential for sustained creativity and innovation. In essence, LoKnow embodies a philosophy that blends passion with pragmatism, ambition with empathy, and professionalism with a zest for life.

Charting the Course for Digital Advertising

At the core of LoKnow's endeavors lies a visionary outlook—a steadfast commitment to democratizing the realm of digital advertising and making it accessible to all. Their vision extends far beyond the confines of conventional marketing paradigms; it encompasses a world where every individual can benefit from, engage with, and ultimately love the transformative power of digital advertising. Guided by this lofty vision, LoKnow's mission is clear—to pioneer the forefront of digital advertising technology, creating, discovering, and sharing extraordinary experiences with the world. Through relentless innovation, meticulous data analysis, and unwavering dedication, LoKnow endeavors to redefine the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of advertising, empowering brands to connect with their audiences in unprecedented ways.

LoKnow isn't just a company—it's a movement. A movement fueled by passion, driven by innovation, and guided by a singular purpose—to unlock the full potential of advertising tech and data, and in doing so, transform the way we engage with the digital world. As the journey unfolds, LoKnow stands poised at the forefront of a new era in advertising, where creativity knows no bounds, collaboration knows no limits, and the possibilities are truly limitless.

Meet the leader behind the success of LoKnow

Vikram Seth, Founder and CEO

Vibrant, veracious and certainly ambitious, Vikram Seth is constantly discovering new ways to break barriers as LoKnow’s Founder and CEO. Now an established leader in the digital advertising and ad tech industry, LoKnow isn’t Vik’s first entrepreneurial rodeo. He previously headed a national student advertising company known for serving universities as far back as 2013. Recognizing the widespread need for a forerunner in new ways of targeted advertising, Vik founded LoKnow to be that industry leader. Today, LoKnow’s growing client scope is endless, from national grocery chains and trucking companies, to financial banking, pizza chains and international e-commerce organizations. One of few to reach ‘inbox zero’ every morning, Vik prides himself on leading by example. Between envisioning new tech products and steering them to where they can do the most good, Vik is always thinking three steps ahead. At the helm of an expanding company, his unquenchable love of learning keeps him energized — including tapping into new markets and understanding how best to enact LoKnow’s vision. A natural born people-person, his passion for building connections and providing support is apparent, whether that’s digesting new trends to keep clients up to date, or figuring out ways to maintain LoKnow’s vibrant workplace culture.

Vik’s innate wonder for novelty keeps him well-read, well-watched and well-travelled. He finds balance between trying every new restaurant in Calgary, and frequenting the same spot a million times. When he’s not at his desk, you can find him reading the daily news, keeping up with new music, shows and movies, or getting lost in the TikTok FYP. His insatiable media appetite leaves him as the go-to trivia buff both in the office and out. Don’t be afraid to drop him a line about your latest HBO binge — chances are the show you’re watching, he’s seen twice!

“Creativity rules when it comes to new ideas and tech! We work together towards unique and unprecedented solutions.”