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50 Smartest Companies of the Year 2020

Collect data and make well-informed decisions for your events business with a stellar data analytics platform from Vivastream


Event data helps organizations and marketers in understanding what happened during the physical or virtual event and how they can improve their future events. Whether it is about engagement level, understanding behavior or measuring attendance – event data can be incredibly valuable for event, marketing and sales teams. Even though it plays an essential role, many event marketers are facing difficulty managing all the data they collect from the events and struggle to derive insights and make critical business decisions.

Vivastream is a data analytics company that focuses on aggregating disparate data, deriving insights, and delivering in a way that is readily presented and shared with stakeholders.. Vivastream’s current niche is focused on delivering event data analytics to corporations that host and attend events (virtually or in-person), trade shows, and conferences. The Vivastream platform distills the vast amount of behavioral data from events into valuable, actionable insights. Through unifying the data collected by the multitude of event partners and social channels, Vivastream marries the digital with the physical world and delivers a comprehensive view of customers around topics. With Vivastream, marketing teams can now visualize attendee behavior from their events and push organized insights into their CRM and marketing automation systems. This enables marketing to become more predictive and sales teams the ability to shorten their sales cycle. Vivastream was founded in 2011, and it is based in New York.

In conversation with Nick Fugaro, Founder and CEO of Vivastream

Q. Why do you think businesses fail to turn data into actionable insights? Is Vivastream the answer businesses are looking for?

Vivastream’s niche and area of expertise are event data. Let’s take a look at virtual events. When a corporation puts on an event for their customers they are typically looking to capture data from registration questions asked, then capturing data on the sessions people are attending, the tracks they are following, the live chats that they’re having, the exhibitors they visit, the product demos they receive, polls and speaker surveys that are answered, and then the post-event surveys. With the resurgence of virtual, we’re seeing the typical 3-day, 5K person event becomes a 30K person event. That’s a tremendous amount of activity data being collected. First, it starts with data from the registration technology partner. Then when the event is live, the content is presented in the virtual platform (often a different technology partner than registration), and then post-event another technology is implemented to capture the survey answers. That scenario is common practice, and it generates millions of data interactions across the 30K attendees. The way Vivastream makes it actionable is our ability to normalize the data across the various activities and interactions. We marry the behavior of each individual and account to the topics that each consumes. This allows us to organize the data and make it actionable. Without a technology platform to aggregate the various data sets and identify the insights and engagement by topic, it’s an enormous challenge for a corporate event team or internal data analytics team or marketing teams to sift through enormous spreadsheets from each tech vendor, each interaction with content and manually map the data across an individual and account. No longer are organizations relying on anecdotal or stated information from the client or the account or sales teams. No longer do they rely on a single source of data to provide insight. They now have the ability to look across multiple data sources and visualize the interests of each customer.

Q. What are the anticipated trends in Data Analytics?

Engagement scoring of customers will become more prominent as data analytics takes a prominent role within marketing organizations. Improved visualization and reporting of data interactions will play a prominent role in surfacing key insights and software platforms like Vivastream will be critical for organizations to alleviate the burden from internal marketing teams. Fast turnaround of data analytics and insights will become a requirement of marketing teams as they launch personalized content across their marketing initiatives. Corporations will turn to these analytics to build a clear profile of a customer and make sound, data driven decisions about their customers – based on behavior across multiple marketing tactics rather than anecdotal or single silo decisioning.

Q. Do you have any new services ready to be launched?

Since the event industry shift to virtual, Vivastream has produced several analytics and reporting solutions that help event marketers view engagement by virtual attendees. Specifically, Vivastream has launched a new interactive, Sponsor and Exhibitor reporting dashboard that delivers relevant leads and justifies the spend for sponsors in the virtual event world. This is critical for exhibitors and sponsors since their sales team no longer has visibility of prospects and customers that visit their physical booth.

Another significant service we’re planning on launching is a client facing, Self Service solution that enables customers to easily upload a data file or API data pull for immediate visualization of event activity in our Vivastream dashboard. This new service will instantly organize and map activity data by individual and account with the topics they’ve engaged with and, in real-time, display the insights within the Vivastream dashboard. No cleansing of data required from the customers,. Simply upload and view insights.

Additionally, Vivastream will build upon our AI capabilities that will identify trends in event attendee activity and produce recommendations for marketing teams regarding content and products to promote to each attendee based on their behavior and engagement.

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Meet the leader behind the success of Vivastream

Nick Fugaro is Founder and CEO of Vivastream, an industry leading event data analytics platform. Nick and Vivastream are on a mission to make event data actionable. In 2011, Nick launched Vivastream because he recognized that event data was rich with customer and prospect insights that could help account, sales and marketing teams, but too often the data captured from events was left sitting in spreadsheets unable to be acted upon. Nick is an evangelist for encouraging the event industry to rely on data driven decision-making rather than anecdotal responses. Nick leverages his 25+ years of experience of delivering digital and technology solutions that help enterprises derive customer insights from data. Prior to Vivastream, Nick worked for Acxiom Corporation, the largest database marketing company in the world. He started his career with the New York Yankees, where he was responsible for creating, producing and directing content on the Yankee Stadium Diamond Vision.

“Meet Vivastream, the event data analytics platform that transforms disparate data into valuable insights. We call this streamlining, and it’s the difference between collecting data and owning it.”