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50 Most Admired Companies of the Year 2020

Reach the destination of your choice with luxury from Mira Vista Aviation’s inestimable aircraft management services


Whether you own an aircraft or considering buying one, the choice of an aircraft management company is one of the significant decisions to make. Owning an aircraft is a major investment, and owners must clearly understand that it comes with considerable responsibilities. Aircraft management generally involves managing the workflow of the airport, airline, or other businesses in regards to the aerospace industry or aviation by carrying out the daily operations of an airline or aircraft. To select the right aircraft management company, you must first assess the goals that you wish to achieve from the company, optimizing between reduced hassles and charter income. There can be no second choice when it comes down to managing an asset like a private jet. Such valuable machines cannot be just handed off to an operator; it must be put in the hands of an invested and dedicated management team.

Select Mira Vista Aviation as your partner to support your aircraft's operations and gain a full range of services focusing on Service, Savings, and Safety. The company is rejuvenating aircraft management through new ideas and old values. Mira Vista sensibly manages your aircraft and offers a premier charter experience that transports you to your destination of choice and to the days where the flying high was an adventurous luxury. Servicing aircraft owners with world-class, world-reaching operations, acquisitions, and aircraft maintenance available 24/7/365 is no simple task. But Mira Vista is up for the challenge. The company promises to be a corporation of transparency where safety always comes first, and no expense is spared for the client's comfort. Mira Vista is aimed at straying away from the saying, "But it's always been done this way." Therefore, Mira Vista is always improving its practices so that it may serve the clients better. Mira Vista Aviation was founded in 2019, and it is based in Santa Ana, California.

In conversation with Patrick Lindsey, President of Mira Vista Aviation

Q. What motivated you to address the challenges faced in aircraft management?

I’m a pilot and a jet owner who was fed up with never hearing a direct answer. I started Mira Vista as a management business with an owner's viewpoint. This view allows us to exceed expectations and better care for our customers. Mira Vista offers strategic fleet cost-savings programs and the ability to generate charter hours for offset, and we promise to maintain your aircraft to the highest standards. From world-class ownership to impeccable on-demand jet charter, no distance is too far.

Q. Trust is a difficult attribute to measure and a delicate dynamic to maintain. How do you maintain this with your clients?

Our transparency builds trust with clients. We are transparent with our owners, so they know they're getting the most out of their capital investment by keeping the aircraft in working order. We keep our management supply at the level of our demand requests so that each Mira Vista managed aircraft earns the hours needed to be economically successful. Moreover, trusting whom you fly with is not a decision to take lightly. You're putting your and others' safety in that companies' hands. We pride ourselves on clear and direct communication with charter clients to uphold a high-security level prior, throughout, and after a trip.

Q. Are you equipped with latest technology to ensure safety and security of your clients?

Technology plays a key role in aviation but when it comes to safety there is no instrument used to properly quantify security. At Mira Vista Aviation, we open our doors to third parties in an effort to constantly keep our safety practices well above par for our passengers and flight crews. In this journey, we have now become ISBAO (International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations) Stage III seal approved, the highest rating offered, and an honored achieved by very few of the thousands of operators in existence. Mira Vista Aviation is also ARGUS Platinum rated and proud Wyvern Wingman.

Q. Do you have any new services launching soon?

In 2020 Mira Vista Aviation expanded into mid-size jets, allowing us to serve our clientele' vast portfolio better. The Mira Vista Fleet added on three citation jets to our stash of Gulfstream aircraft. Now, whether you're flying regional, coast to coast, or international, we have an aircraft ready for flight.

An entrepreneur by soul, a racer by heart

Patrick Lindsey is the President of Mira Vista Aviation. He is a 24 Hours of Le Mans winner and World Endurance Championship racing champion. Racing demands stamina, it takes an understanding of your competition and requires you to be a quick study of your surroundings. His decade long career on the floor of Wall Street prepared him for the mass quantity of statistics your account for when behind the wheel of a race car. Wall Street also gave him the street smarts of knowing when to go all in on a company. With lessons learned accumulated and a few Gulfstream type ratings under his belt he now chases a sector he’s long had a passion for, the aviation business. Specifically, he now gives his undivided attention to Mira Vista Aviation.

"The Mira Vista vision is to continually improve the experience of private air travel. This vision is at the center of every procedure, from operations and safety down to the smallest detail of in-flight services."