The Silicon Review
The relationship between a retail pharmacy and its customers is built on trust. Your customers have intimate interactions with your brand that involve personal health details, and they want the best service possible. They want to know their concerns are being heard, and they want to feel informed about their wellness options. In response to these demands, pharmacies are implementing strategies for long-term success by investing in new technologies and expanded services designed to earn customer loyalty. These strategies keep customers informed about their healthcare, provide them with seamless access to drugs and health products, and ensure the quality and security of their medicines across the entire supply chain. The trends emerging from this meeting of technology and customer experience are redefining the industry. The Triad Retail Pharmacy System is a fast, inexpensive, and full-featured system that easily handles the needs of today’s pharmacy. The Triad system is developed and supported by people that understand the problems and opportunities faced by a pharmacy today. The Triad System is in use in retail, LTC, compounding, and hospital in-patient and out-patient environments.
The Triad System
State of the Art Technology and Methodology – The Triad system has been developed from the very start using the latest tools and technologies that are available. This allows us to rapidly respond to industry changes and requirements while drawing on our experience of 30+ years developing pharmacy software. The pharmacy today must be able to integrate and share information with a variety of sources and devices and the Triad system will allow your pharmacy to do just that. The Triad system also supports pharmacies that want to run in a local network, hosted, or cloud environment. This allows the pharmacy to select the best option for their business model and to also leverage the investment that they have already made in technology.
The goal of the Triad system is to make the pharmacy the center of patient care. This is accomplished with apps for both physicians and customers that allow access to a number of pharmacy applications. For physicians these include electronic prescribing, drug clinical information, electronic messaging and texts, patient medication compliance, and the generation of prior authorization requests. The customer apps available in the Triad system are centered around the Patient Wellness module. These apps allow the customer to store and to consolidate medical information and records including lab tests and images such as X-rays or MRI. The patient wellness module also allows multiple ways of ordering refills, electronic messaging and texts, and an appointment manager that keeps track of upcoming appointments and sends notifications. All of the patient data is stored in a secured encrypted format with access to the data limited to the patient or persons that the patient has authorized and requiring dual authentication. With the ever growing threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches it is of the utmost importance that your pharmacy data is fully protected. The HIPAA regulations specify that patient data in the pharmacy has to be encrypted even when the data is “at rest”. The Triad system meets and exceeds this HIPAA requirement. Does your current system provide this? The majority of pharmacy system vendors do not do this because urgent essay it can be costly and degrade performance if not done correctly. The Triad system also uses many other techniques and recognized best practices procedures to protect your pharmacy.
State of the Art Technology and Methodology
Data Conversions
When you replace you existing software with a Helix Pharmacy Management System, a Triad Retail Pharmacy System, or install MedTablet, Mobile MedSoft converts your data for you. With over four decades of experience in developing, installing and supporting software for pharmacies such as yours, Mobile MedSoft has the most efficient, accurate technology, and qualified personnel to make sure your business continues to run smoothly during the transition and into the future. Standing out from other pharmacy system software developers, Mobile MedSoft does all of its data conversions in-house. This means you know the people doing the conversion and they know you.
Meet the leader behind the success of Mobile MedSoft
Frank L. “Duke” Yetter is the CEO and President of MedSoft. Over the years, DUKE YETTER’s successful investments and company leadership speak for themselves in defining his contributions to the healthcare community and the patients it serves. He thrives on innovation – bringing technology to life by creating things that get used every day and make people’s lives safer, simpler, and in the end make a difference in patient outcomes. With a passion for motivating his employees, he transforms boredom to excitement and then shares the rewards of success with them. Duke easily attracts investors because of their trust in him, his track record, and his integrity.