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50 Leading Companies of the Year 2024

Our work promises therapeutic breakthroughs as well as deeper insights into the molecular mechanisms of cancer: Dr. Shin Mukai of New Wind Therapeutics L3C


“Our dedication to addressing the pressing needs of cancer patients drives every aspect of our work.

In the field of cancer research, a groundbreaking collaboration emerged between Dr. Shin Mukai, a distinguished chemical biologist, and Carl Williams, a seasoned IBM IT specialist, leading to the creation of New Wind Therapeutics L3C. They do not follow anyone’s path, and they will create their own way and pioneer the world. Their motivation for starting this venture was rooted in professional ambition and was deeply personal. It stemmed from their encounters with the impacts of cancer on individuals and families, including their own. Their vision for New Wind Therapeutics L3C was about creating innovative solutions in the ongoing battle against cancer.

New Wind Therapeutics aims to develop novel small-molecule drugs for the treatment of pancreatic cancer and redefine patient care in this field. The company’s dynamic research process unites cutting-edge technology, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a profound commitment to targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs), which play a crucial role in the initiation, growth, and recurrence of cancer. This comprehensive approach is expected to elevate patient care and also solidify New Wind's position as a beacon of hope and innovation in cancer research.

The Silicon Review reached out to Dr. Mukai for an interview, and here’s what he had to say.


Interview Highlights

Q. As a pioneer in cancer solutions, what are New Wind's key focus areas?

At the forefront of New Wind's pioneering efforts is the development of targeted therapies. Targeted therapy for cancer is a type of cancer treatment that specifically targets certain molecules or pathways involved in the growth and survival of cancer cells. Leveraging expertise in synthetic organic/medicinal chemistry, biology, and immunology, New Wind Therapeutics is intent on crafting treatments that minimize collateral damage to normal cells, offering a beacon of hope through more effective and less debilitating cancer care. Our work promises therapeutic breakthroughs as well as deeper insights into the molecular mechanisms of cancer.

Q. Can you provide us with one or two success stories, detailing specific patient challenges and how New Wind’s solutions contributed to their success?

New Wind Therapeutics operates as a low-profit limited liability company (L3C), where social impact takes center stage while having the characteristics of for-profit and non-profit organizations. Our dedication to addressing the pressing needs of cancer patients drives every aspect of our work.

New Wind is dedicated to studying pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest forms of cancer, with an overall survival rate of just 12 percent over five years. Our journey to transform cancer care is rooted in research excellence. As an L3C, New Wind brings together the best of both worlds: advancing scientific breakthroughs while maximizing positive social outcomes in pancreatic cancer research. In addition, there is currently a gap between academia and the pharmaceutical industry, and many therapeutic innovations from state-of-the-art research in academia do not lead to industry investment or patent use. New Wind Therapeutics’ commitment to bridging the academia-industry divide called Valley of Death underscores its pivotal role in navigating the challenging landscape of drug development.

Q. Tell us about the New Wind team. What value do they bring to the company?

My collaboration with Carl Williams drives New Wind Therapeutics L3C forward. Our combined expertise—spanning scientific research and strategic business leadership—sets the direction for the company's ambitious goals. We develop strategies to attain organizational objectives, considering factors such as research and development, market dynamics, and regulatory frameworks. Under our leadership, New Wind's team of scientists and professionals are innovators dedicated to creating a future where cancer can be conquered.

Q. What new endeavors is New Wind currently undertaking?

Beyond drug development, New Wind Therapeutics is committed to cultivating the next wave of scientific leaders who can share New Wind’s spirit. This vision of mentorship and innovation underscores the organization's broader mission to eradicate cancer, ensuring a legacy of knowledge and passion that will fuel future breakthroughs in the field.

Dr. Shin Mukai | CEO and CSO

Dr. Shin Mukai has been passionate about the fight against cancer since the passing of his father due to cancer. Towards his goal, he has been actively gaining skills and knowledge in synthetic organic/medicinal chemistry (e.g., multi-step organic synthesis and computer-aided drug design) and biology/immunology (e.g., multi-color flow cytometry, single-cell mRNA/ATAC sequencing, and animal experiments) while achieving significant results and making substantial contributions to the scientific and medical communities. His research career started with his master’s research at Kyoto University in Japan, where he synthesized functionalized DNA. Then, he conducted his PhD research in bio-organic chemistry at the University of Western Australia, producing novel unnatural amino acids. After his Ph.D., he took up his first postdoctoral position at the Keio University School of Medicine in Japan, creating a patented treatment for chronic Graft-Versus-Host disease while supervising several MD and PhD students. His second postdoctoral work was conducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School (BWH/HMS), demonstrating the clinical significance of macrophage heterogeneity in humans. In addition, he received an entrepreneurship education at Harvard Business School. Although he was already experienced in scientific and medical research in academia, he sought to gain additional experience in the pharmaceutical industry for his future endeavors to develop novel anti-cancer drugs from scratch. Thus, after his second postdoctoral assignment at BWH/HMS, he worked at the big pharmaceutical company Sanofi in Boston, where he opened a new avenue for biology and immunology in human B-cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, and mast cells. With his achievements and experience in academia and the pharmaceutical industry, he co-founded New Wind Therapeutics L3C in order to change the world for the better by producing novel drugs that target CSCs and nurturing the next generation of scientific leaders.

Leaders can contribute to the community by strengthening a sense of purpose and connection beyond the workplace. Dr. Mukai, in addition to his roles at New Wind Therapeutics L3C, serves as (1) Council Leader at the U.S.-Japan Council to strengthen the relationship between the US and Japan so that both countries can keep improving their scientific and medical research and foster training for the next generation of leaders in the US and Japan, and (2) Subject Matter Expert to support the global community of leaders and innovators from all Harvard Schools. Furthermore, his research accomplishments are recognized by the scientific and medical communities. It is evidenced by the fact (1) that he has published a number of research and review articles and book chapters in synthetic organic/medicinal chemistry, biology, and immunology, and (2) that he serves as the academic editor for the book entitled “Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy," the publisher of which is IntechOpen.

“As an L3C, New Wind brings together the best of both worlds: advancing scientific breakthroughs while maximizing positive social outcomes in pancreatic cancer research.”