SR 10 Fastest Growing Healthcare Companies 2015
The Silicon Review
“Omya Healthcare has a definite vision and mission to make a positive impact on care delivery by introducing safer and reliable technologies as per needs of care providers”
Today the Healthcare domain is driven mostly by innovations & inventions at different levels of care continuum. In giving priority to patient care & their well being, many industry veterans over the years have been serving the healthcare industry with extensive technologically affluent products and services. However, when it comes to offer more within affordable range, many trail behind. So, in order to meet such demand and leverage the market opportunity, Omya Health care was incorporated. Omya is one such company that strives to make medical devices and equipment more accessible, and affordable, hence to rationalize the cost of care delivery. Passionate about the design and technological innovations that make positive impact on care delivery, team at Omya are committed to develop most relevant technology solutions considering the unmet needs of the new emerging markets. Since its inception, they are committed to deliver locally relevant medical devices that make a difference to their care providers and stakeholders.
The company develops its own medical devices designs in their Bangalore Research and development centre. Omya R&D members frequently visits hospitals, interact with the care providers to understand those latent needs which users negotiate on everyday basis. These needs may be as complex as defining the new configuration of device or as simple as increasing the battery backup of device. Sometimes it could be just ease of parameter inputs and interface design so as to aid nurse practitioners in their daily routine of care without making mistakes.
The word ‘Omya’ in Sanskrit means ‘Life Giver’ and the people at Omya aim to contribute in a small way to make big impact on care delivery for future society. According to them, in a country like India the quality care has not reached the market yet and in any big care set up the usual medical devices takes larger chunk of capital investments. The newer technologies being developed may not reach the masses. So, Omya was being established with a clear vision to make an impact and help those care providers with good and reliable products. The whole process of development is done in Bangalore from research to design, development, feedback, marketing and much more.
Addressing the Technological Gap
Traditionally the medical devices development is done in the developed world based on their requirement and later these are launched in emerging markets by defeaturing or reducing the capabilities. Usually these products are not designed by understanding the relevant usage condition of local healthcare Scenario. Hence, in their design efforts to address these unneed appropriately, team Omya takes up the responsibility to study these requirements and amalgamating themselves with the latest technology then coming up with user friendly products.
Product Offerings
They majorly focus on capturing 60% of the ICU products opportunity, the three major areas mainly; Infusion systems, Patient Monitoring systems and Ventilation. They are soon coming up with their own ICU ventilators.
Some of their popular products are:
Syringe Pumps, Volumetric Infusion Pumps, Patient Monitors, and Infusion management system
Product Innovations Pathways
Being a research and design company, working on two development pathways, one being feature development pathway and other being novel technology developments pathway which are need based and with its own intellectual property.
Feature development Pathway
These products are those where the device configuration is already defined in the market. Omya
designs these products with advanced features differentiating them with the competitors in terms of the usability and simplicity. For example, in providing intensive care for patients, nurse often are stress when it comes to providing inotropic support to critically ill patients. Time and mental stress is of prime importance during night shifts.Omya members identified this need and developed a new “Link-Mode” in their dual syringe pump, wherein the syringe channels could be linked and second syringe would take over as soon as the first syringe is finished infusion. This reduces the urgency of syringe changes within the critical time and providing uninterrupted patient care in critical situations.
Other example, when it comes to operating the critical care devices where one has to set up the instruction manually. In that case it is important to study the mental model of the user who is going to set the inputs and in our case it is the nurse who gets instruction from the doctor. To make it more suitable, the research team at Omya by studying it thoroughly came up with the most convenient & easy way to interact with the device and developed the user interface of device which is easy to input and monitor.
Syringe Pumps
Infusion Pumps
Patient Monitor
Infusion Management System
Novel Device Pathway
Under this wing, they do lot of need on evaluating the respective needs, then developing a technology and making intellectual property out of it protected on a global scale. Additionally, they are also working on area of Tissue Biopsy that is for definitive diagnosis. The range of products includes liver Biopsy, renal biopsy, breast biopsy, and lung biopsy. They develop their product after understanding the market need and doing lot of consideration for the patient safety which is the prime aspect of healthcare sector.
Quality Assurance
Having its operations headquartered in Bangalore, Omya have suppliers from all over the world. They develop all the products with best of subsystems imported from Germany, Switzerland, Japan and get some of these products integrated at contract manufacturer supplier in China. The entire product undergoes rigorous testing and qualification during the development as well as manufaturing and integration stages. Omya is already certified ISO 13485:2003 with full scope of medical quality management system including design, manufacturing, distribution and service. All the products under go CE mark testing and qualifications. Omya is UL registered firm.
Knowing the Master Mind
An MBA from TAPMI and GMP from Harvard Business School, Reddy has assumed the mantle to take Omya’s devices business to new heights. He is geared up with his team and new range of devices, which will support company’s vision to be among the top players in the healthcare domain in coming years. He brings with him more than two decades of experience in operational excellence from his previous avatar serving as CEO at IFB Automotive. As a mechanical engineer he has co-invented many safety and comfort mechanisms and also granted International patent.