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50 Fastest Growing Companies of The Year 2017

“Operationalizing and Optimizing Value-based Care”, InXite Health System is delivering the most advanced patient-centered coordinated care system for improving outcomes.

thesiliconreview-james-paat-ceo-inxite-health-system-17“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal -a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek,” Mario Andretti.

What is life without goal? What is life without committing to the goal? To sum this up in two words- Absolutely Nothing.

Promising and committing to improve the health of the U.S., a healthcare innovation company has set some ambitious goals. InXite Health Systems, an innovative healthcare technology company has set course to improve the health of the nation through better healthcare coordination and value-based care. It’s modus operandi?

InXite works relentlessly to deliver a comprehensive value-based care platform complete with advanced data interoperability, patient-engagement, care coordination and advanced analytic capabilities. The solution was designed with one goal in mind – to improve patient outcomes. InXite’s solution: the SmartCare Coordination Platform- helps payors, health systems, health care providers and patients to easily “monitor”, “gather,” and “share” information that is critical to improve patient outcomes. The purpose of building InXite was to support the massive transformation currently underway in healthcare to change from the traditional pay-for-service model to a patient-centered, value-based care delivery and payment model. 

“I was drawn to build a company that provides a real and viable solution for operationalizing and optimizing value-based care for all participants including payors, providers and patients. I was attracted to the value-base care promise of higher quality, lower costs and better patient and provider satisfaction. I was also motivated by the significance of the effort and the fact that my past experiences provided me with great insight on what could be done to solve the critical technical and business challenges associated with implementing value-based care.”  Said James Paat, the Founder and CEO of InXite Health Systems. 

Pre and Post product roll out period

InXite invested three years of time, energy and planning to build the Value-based Care Platform and solution. The solution was modeled to include innovative technologies and techniques that have proven to solve similar challenges in other verticals including financial services, supply chain management, national security and public safety. InXite distinctly leverages this know-how to overcome the most significant challenges associated with moving to the value-based care delivery and payment models. This insightful approach has propelled the company’s success, and InXite is finally reaping the rewards of it hard work and dedication and is receiving incredible recognition, growth and momentum. 

The Man behind the Idea

The man behind the success of InXite, James Paat, is vehement about his work; akin to his company that believes in commitment and striving, James has also never taken no for an answer. He said that when starting InXite, there were more skeptics than believers, but that has only pushed him in becoming more passionate in achieving what many have thought was unobtainable. 

James designed the InXite SmartCare System from the floor up to support the unique and evolving requirements of value-based care. While most solutions today are “point solutions” that address a specific problem for a target user group; InXite is providing a virtually integrated delivery system that is truly patient-centered and tracks, gathers and shares critical information needed to improve patient outcomes with all stakeholders (large and small) that interact with the patient. This includes payors, health systems, physician practices, physician groups, community health centers, and non-physician providers. The InXite system utilizes proven technologies and techniques for enabling data-driven decisions. 

The benefits are great to all participants. The key benefit is to provide higher quality of care and lower costs, and improved outcomes for the Patient. Payors and health systems benefit from reduced claims and hospital readmission penalties as result of the healthier engaged patients. Providers benefit by improving patient care while increasing revenues by capturing the value-based care incentives available.

Time doesn’t stand still and this hard working CEO is now receiving all sorts of incredible feedback and accolades. You see, that’s how time rewards to those who work hard with passion. 

“These responses validate that our hard work was worth it and it drives us to continue to innovate and drive more value to our customers,” expresses CEO. 

Spreading the wings of the organization, InXite is planning to significantly increase their numbers of employees from 20 to well over 100 in the coming years. InXite is already catching everyone’s attention with their most advanced technology platform that has evolved in fulfilling their value-based care formula. 

InXite’s target customers includea rapidly growing list of payors, health systems, physician practices, physician groups, community health centers, and non-physician providers. 

Beyond the horizon

InXite is never ceasing their passion in building better health of the nation, and as such it shall continue adding new features and apps to address specific high risk patient such as behavioral health patients and infant mortality. InXite’s founder is planning to expand its value-based solution in every state so as everyone can render its solutions and services.

InXite is determined to continuously improve how disparate patient healthcare data can be assembled into useful information. This new founded insight willdrive actionable care coordination and patient-engagement, which will enable InXite to meeting its goal of improving patient outcomes.

Here comes the CEO/Founder of the company

James Paat is a serial entrepreneur and recognized industry expert in the fields of data integration; and information sharing, collaboration and innovation. His background includes 30 years of experience developing and marketing innovative solutions across several verticals including financial services, global 100 corporate supply chains, national security and public safety and health care. James has been involved with some of the nation’s largest and most successful information exchange projects, and has received a patent for his unique data integration technology.

“We offer a very innovative and disruptive model that mitigates customer’s chief concerns and engages our customers to let others know about our solution.”