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30 Most Valuable Brands of the Year 2022

We utilize our Building of Things™ strategy coupled with our Commercial Firewall NOI Capture platform to deliver multiple valuable solutions: Bill Douglas, CEO of OpticWise, Inc.


“Moreover, we spoil tenants with our 5S® user experience, ultimate privacy policy, and customer care.”

OpticWise, Inc. is a Denver-based SaaS and services tech company. It monetizes technology assets for office and apartment owners and leverages proptech and in-building connectivity to deliver mobile, secure and private access to any technology. The company serves clients in across the United States.

Drew Hall founded OpticWise in 2007.

The Silicon Review reached out to Bill Douglas, CEO of OpticWise, Inc., and here’s what he had to say.

Interview Highlights

Q. When it comes to longevity, OpticWise, Inc. has it. I find it unique that an organization has what it takes to continue to offer services for almost two decades. How did your company continue to adapt?  

We made a major shift in early 2016, one many companies wouldn’t dare do. We kept our team but we exited our prior practices and pivoted, with extreme focus, on a proven solution to a very specific set of clientele. Think of taking your revenues to zero so you can start over again with a new model. It was no small task, and I am very proud to state that we have succeeded wildly.

Q. How does OpticWise monetize technology assets for commercial real estate owners and operators?

Our clients own multi-tenant commercial real estate (CRE) properties. Each of those is full of technology, devices, systems, sensors, networks, etc. Yet most properties only think about the building assets, not the technology assets. We utilize our Building of Things™ strategy coupled with our Commercial Firewall NOI Capture platform to deliver multiple valuable solutions.

Clients benefit from:

  • Improved market positioning
  • Increased income
  • Control of systems & data

Clients also love the results:

  • Significantly increased net operating income (NOI)
  • Reduced first costs (CapEx)
  • Reduced operating expenses (OpEx)

Q. Can you introduce us to your valuable solutions? What are their key features?

5S® Priority User Experience: We spoil tenants with our 5S® user experience, ultimate privacy policy, and customer care.

Branded Services: We implement the OpticWise Commercial Firewall NOI Capture Platform which provides multiple new revenue streams while saving tenants money.

Digital Infrastructure Management: We design and operate the property’s digital infrastructure, which the client owns. It’s built on the SIC® (security, infrastructure, connectivity) standards and leverages the Building of Things™ strategies.

Of unique and major importance: OpticWise doesn’t monetize its users or their data. Instead, it gives complete authority to users, keeping their connected experience and activities private at all times. We publish the details in our Ultimate Privacy Policy.

Q. How does OpticWise create and sustain a culture of innovation?

We focused early and often on hiring great people into a great culture. Our core values revolve around innovation and accountability, so our team has the desire and ability to adapt quickly to serve clients. After all, clients are the ones that have the needs and know where the market is going; we must listen, solve, and act.

Q. Tell us about the OpticWise team. What value do they bring to the company?

Drew Hall founded the company. He’s a world-class network architect with a technology pedigree and a very impressive track record. Each engineer working with him brings multiple skill sets so the tech team is quite stacked. His team built our SaaS platform, designed every resilient digital infrastructure we’re responsible for, and protected every user and every user’s privacy. They are the value generators here.

Q. What continuing learning opportunities do you have for your team?

One of our core values is ‘Make it Better!’ This means no status quo and always having a hunger to gain and share knowledge. I don’t have to identify learning opportunities for our team. They are part of our culture and they want to learn. We give them full support in anything relating to learning.

Q. Will OpticWise be expanding, bringing on any new solutions that we should be aware of?

We will be driving further ahead with new initiatives to set standards across the industry and benefit everyone, not just our clients. Suffice it to say these initiatives will continue to revolve around taking care of CRE clients and their tenants.

Bill Douglas | CEO

Bill Douglas is an experienced entrepreneur who has launched, sold, acquired and exited numerous firms. He has also made growth lists for INC and other companies and has been granted a US patent. He has a mechanical engineering degree from Georgia Tech and is a graduate of the MIT Entrepreneurial Master’s Program. He braved two near-death encounters and a severe medical diagnosis, earning him the moniker “ResilienceGuy.”

“We will be driving further ahead with new initiatives to set standards across the industry and benefit everyone, not just our clients. Suffice it to say these initiatives will continue to revolve around taking care of CRE clients and their tenants.”