30 Innovative Brands of the Year 2022
With its outstanding and innovative new water conditioning and filtration products, ScaleBuster makes sure that excellent services are delivered consistently
The Silicon Review
It is a well-known fact that water is the element responsible for life, and it is important to make sure that the water we use is as healthy and safe as it can be. Water conditioning is the best process to do that, as it does not remove minerals from the water as magnesium, calcium, and other ions which are important to our body. Conditioning of hard water is essential for increasing the lifespan of plumbing, as it prevents scale build up and protects against corrosion. Clogging pipe, risk of limescale deposits, and general corrosion can be easily prevented by installing a water conditioner directly in the water supply pipe, adding a good filter is a good idea to prevent any particles from coming into the house water piping.
Globally there are various companies providing solutions for water conditioning and other providing filtration solutions, but ScaleBuster (by ION Enterprises) stands out from the rest. ION Enterprises is a private group of companies (trading since 1990) with operations facilities in both United Kingdom and Canada. It offers a range of environmental, physical water treatment devices under the trademarks ScaleBuster®, EnviroTower®, and ISBF™. With ScaleBuster installed, the hardness in the water, typically calcium and magnesium, is precipitated into suspension. Limescale is present in the form of aragonite, a non-adherent crystalline structure contrary to the untreated calcite that causes scale buildup and damage in unprotected water systems. Over 300,000 ScaleBuster conditioners have been sold since 1990!
ScaleBuster-based EnviroTower® technology treats cooling tower systems and replaces chemicals with way better results vs. traditional chemicals or softeners. Over 480 EnviroTower systems have been installed over the years.
The new innovative ISBF whole-house filtration kit offers a ScaleBuster physical water conditioner which adds protection against scale and corrosion, and a high-flow, efficient, reliable and modern-design backwash-enable 40µm water filter for full protection with no cartridge replacement, with no maintenance, no use of chemicals or salts ever and no use of power.
In conversation with Jonathan Gur, CEO of Ion Enterprises, the company behind ScaleBuster
Q. What are the challenges you had to face while developing your water treatment devices? How did you overcome them?
During the years, we had many requests from customers for a good water filter to be installed with our ScaleBuster conditioner. We have searched the solutions available in the market so we could refer them to our customers but could not find a good one which would offer good results with decent value-for-money, so last year we have decided to develop the full solution ourselves.
The benefit of the ISBF kit vs. all other available options out there are that we also offer scale and corrosion prevention on top of the conventional filtration, the filtration is 40 micron (vs. 90-120 microns and over with most competitive devices out there), no cartridge replacement ever, as our filters have a very efficient backwash capability, which means that a welded stainless steel mesh does the work for many years (and this also means less maintenance, no cartridge or seal replacement and no leaks from the filter housing). We have added another feature – above the pressure gauge; there is a dial showing the last month which the backwash has been performed so it helps the homeowner to remember to perform this 2-minute easy task every month. We have designed a filter capable of over 4m3/h (1.11 l/s or 18gpm) flow rate, so it has hardly any pressure drop in 1” (DN25) and smaller ¾” (DN20) or ½” (DN15) pipes.
Q. Why do you think there is a need for water treatment devices? And what impact does it have on the environment?
It is always wise to filter the water coming into your home. Our ISBF offers filtration with no further added operational expenditure as cartridge replacement, eliminates the risk of leaks (which happens a lot after cartridge replacement as to faulty seal), no operation required as with resin-based ion exchange systems (known as softeners) as filling salt, which is also an expenditure as well as electrical power, other chemicals used and lots of maintenance. On top of the filtration, the ISBF kit offers scale and corrosion prevention by the ScaleBuster water conditioner. This environmentally friendly solution requires neither chemicals nor energy, no wasted water and no salts are drained to the sewers as in other technologies.
Q. What are the factors to consider when choosing a house filtration solution?
Always look for a known brand with a good local distributor or reseller for future service or support, a solution for your specific needs so for a house, don’t look for commercial or industrial filters which require maintenance by a professional technician every week, a solution that requires salt to regenerate resin or a membrane-based system that requires either high energy use or lots of wasted water as well as the frequent need for high cost membrane replacement.
Q. How do you market your services?
Over the years, we have developed a distribution network around the globe. Our distributors are all well trained professional, who give the best service to their local customers in the local language, know our products and technologies (and of course receive our support whenever required).
Q. What does the future hold for your company and its customers? Are exciting things on the way?
We have been contacted by several large retail and DIY chains operating globally to partner with us to market the new ISBF whole house filtration solutions, we will be happy to update regarding this in a later stage. For now, the ISBF kits can be purchased as all ScaleBuster products from all our distributors (as can be found on https://scalebuster.com/distributors/).
Meet the leader behind the success of ScaleBuster
Jonathan Gur (M.Sc. Engineering, Brunel University, London UK) is the Chief Executive Officer of ION Enterprises group (managing both the Canadian and the UK companies) and has been a part of the group executive team since 2011, in 2015 Mr. Gur became the Group CEO. Mr. Gur has been involved in the water sector for over 30 years and held management and executive positions with some global companies (both in the industrial and municipal Waste Water Treatment/Potable Water Supply and also the Technology supplier side) including Degremont Technologies, Blue-Green Environmental Technologies, Newterra and other.