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PartnerStack – World’s largest B2B partnerships network helping companies in building and scaling their partner channels


PartnerStack, a pioneering platform dedicated to transforming the landscape of channel sales for companies globally. The company is driven by a mission to redefine how businesses connect with customers through channel partnerships. With a focus on empowering companies to extend their reach and accelerate growth, PartnerStack offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored to enable organizations like Asana, Intuit, and Freshworks to efficiently build, manage, and scale their channel partner programs.

At PartnerStack, it is recognized that success goes beyond the platform's functionality. It entails cultivating a culture where every team member is motivated by a collective passion for continual learning and development. The team takes pride in its diverse and dynamic composition, with each member contributing their unique perspectives and expertise to the shared vision.

Emphasizing the value of curiosity and collaboration, PartnerStack thrives on fostering a supportive environment where team members rally behind one another to achieve common objectives. Together, they are not merely developing a platform, but also building a community dedicated to driving innovation and success in the realm of channel sales.

Why PartnerStack?

PartnerStack, a leading platform in the B2B SaaS industry, is driven by a bold mission: to unlock the power of partner ecosystems. Through innovative solutions and strategic partnerships, PartnerStack is revolutionizing how companies reach customers, transforming partnerships into a competitive acquisition channel. With a focus on empowering businesses to harness the full potential of collaborative networks, PartnerStack is reshaping the landscape of software sales on a global scale.

Focus on Ecosystems: At the heart of PartnerStack's ethos lies a deep commitment to nurturing partner ecosystems. Recognizing the inherent value in collaborative networks, PartnerStack prioritizes the cultivation of strong and mutually beneficial partnerships. Every connection within these ecosystems is regarded as significant, with the understanding that collective efforts yield the most impactful solutions. By fostering an environment where collaboration thrives, PartnerStack empowers businesses to unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Commitment to Trust: Trust forms the cornerstone of PartnerStack's relationships, both internally and externally. Upholding rigorous standards of integrity and transparency, PartnerStack understands that trust is not simply granted but earned through consistent and reliable actions. This commitment to trust extends to every aspect of PartnerStack's operations, from interactions with clients and partners to the development of its platform. By prioritizing trust, PartnerStack fosters strong and enduring relationships built on mutual respect and integrity.

Embracing Growth Mindset: PartnerStack approaches its work with a growth mindset, recognizing that progress is achieved through continuous learning and improvement. Embracing the philosophy that small improvements over time compound into significant advancements, PartnerStack is committed to pursuing excellence in all endeavors. This growth mindset permeates every aspect of PartnerStack's culture, driving innovation, resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges. By embracing a culture of continuous improvement, PartnerStack empowers its team members to reach their full potential and drive meaningful impact.

Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity and inclusion are fundamental values embedded within PartnerStack's culture. Celebrating the unique perspectives and experiences of its diverse workforce, PartnerStack fosters an environment where everyone feels empowered to bring their authentic selves to the table. By embracing diversity and inclusion, PartnerStack cultivates a culture of belonging and respect, where collaboration flourishes and creativity thrives. Through its commitment to diversity and inclusion, PartnerStack not only enriches its own workplace but also strengthens its ability to innovate and drive success in the broader community.

Identifying Market Gaps and Building Resilience

As PartnerStack evolved, its founders identified critical gaps in existing partnership processes. Traditional PRM systems lacked essential functionality, such as the ability to track multiple conversions per customer or support multiple partner programs simultaneously. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive partnerships platform tailored specifically for B2B SaaS companies, PartnerStack set out to fill this void. By addressing these market gaps, PartnerStack emerged as a disruptive force in the industry, empowering businesses to build and scale their partner channels with ease.

Despite facing numerous setbacks and rejections along the way, PartnerStack's founders remained steadfast in their pursuit of success. Rejected multiple times by prestigious accelerators like YCombinator, the team refused to be deterred by adversity. Their unwavering determination and resilience ultimately paid off when they were finally accepted into YCombinator on their third attempt. This pivotal moment served as a testament to PartnerStack's tenacity and perseverance, reaffirming the value of their innovative approach to partnerships.

PartnerStack's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Grounded in grit, heart, and meaningful relationships, PartnerStack continues to defy expectations and overcome challenges on its path to success. By embracing the principles of resilience and perseverance, PartnerStack has solidified its position as a leader in the B2B SaaS industry, empowering businesses to thrive in an ever-changing marketplace.

Bryn Jones | Co-founder & CEO

“At PartnerStack, we’re changing the way the world sells software by growing partnerships into a competitive acquisition channel.”