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20 Business Excellence Awards 2021

A stalwart promoting mental wellness & performance through social and emotional learning in business, education, and sport: I Got Mind


The current scenario where initiatives are created to support mental health and wellbeing refers to creating awareness and building mental health literacy. Awareness is necessary to promote the cause, but it is not sufficient in addressing an individual’s various mental health needs. Often, people tend to ignore their mental health, making everyone vulnerable to mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. Globally, there are various organizations delivering excellent services for people to support their mental health and wellbeing, but “I Got Mind” stands out from the rest. Founded by Bob Wilkie in 2008, I Got Mind’s focus was to promote the importance of mental health in sport. Bob mentally struggled with anxiety attacks, depression, entitlement and substance misuse. His life as a professional hockey player had taken a toll much greater than he ever thought possible. His life took a dramatic turn for the better, when he was able to obtain and apply knowledge regarding his mental health. Bob finally felt peace and whole. Bob had reached the top of the mountain before, and was determined to do it again, but this time in a considerably healthier way. He utilized the knowledge, and his experiences to craft content that was relevant, easy to digest, and even easier to implement. Bob grew up in an entrepreneurial home and with this exposure to business and own personal sport challenges, allowed him to see the need in the sporting world to prioritize the mental health and well-being of their players, and thus created I Got Mind. He had started businesses before, but this time the level of importance was different - the product is a way of life!

Well-crafted services

Over the years, I Got Mind expanded its team and scope to include the business and education sectors. Now a company that helps sport, education, workplace teams and individuals understand the connection between mental wellness and mental performance. Bob had won championships; he had won awards, and through this experience, he learned all of the aspects of being on and creating a team that wins. It is more than processes or products; it is about accountability, focus, resiliency, and determination. Each member has responsibilities, and if they fulfill those responsibilities to the best of their abilities, any team can achieve success. That means that each member of the team must be well and they need to be balanced. They must be able to manage themselves, their stressors, their expectations, and their attitudes. Accountability is imperative, but needs to be done in a healthy way. Creating this type of culture takes a great deal of commitment and learning. It takes open communication, it takes healthy perspectives, and awareness of each member of the team. It is not an easy road to travel; Bob has learned that nothing worth having is easy. In the process of striving for this level of success and wellness, we become all that we have ever wanted. I Got Mind offers programs and support to address and educate on all aspects of achieving success for the individual, and ultimately the team. The company delivers this content in a new, and innovative form of learning. It is a combination of self-directed online learning and facilitated conversations with the company’s team of professionals.

Success path

I Got Mind teaches individuals what they need to become an MVP. They will be introduced to tools that will help them manage themselves in order to perform in ways they want to, and consequently, the way an organization needs them to. It will create balance and wellness, which always translates into performance. I Got Mind has won several awards in the 14 years it has been operating, including LuxLife Magazines “Best Mental Health in Sports” for 2019-2020, as well as Livewire’s Innovation and Excellence in 2020. The team consists of mental health professionals, business professionals, and mental health advocates. Collectively, the facilitation team has hundreds of years of experience in these aspects. Team development and coaching, entrepreneurship, self-advocacy, mental health, and leadership are all I Got Mind’s strongest assets. If you or your team needs assistance in creating a safe and productive workplace, if you are an individual looking to improve your lifestyle, I Got Mind has programs to help you. Let us be your guide to a better way; your life is an occasion, rise to it!

Bob Wilkie, the Founder and President of I Got Mind is an author, and former NHL hockey player, a renowned speaker, life coach, and co-developer of I Got Mind content. His story of surviving the infamous Swift Current Broncos hockey team Bus Crash that took the lives of four of his teammates, getting drafted 41st overall in the NHL entry draft in the same season and playing ten years of professional hockey is a story of triumph that is inspiring. He was a part of winning several championships and was a recognized All-Star four times in his career. He is an award-winning entrepreneur, and leads a team of passionate, experienced individuals whose goal is to help those in search of a better way of life. Bob is excited to receive this award and continue his personal goal of assisting as many individuals and teams as he can in his lifetime. If each of us can find our way to the life we want, the World will be a much better place.

Meet the leader behind the success of I Got Mind

Bob Wilkie, the Founder and President of I Got Mind is an author, and former NHL hockey player, a renowned speaker, life coach, and developer of all I Got Mind content. His story of surviving the infamous Swift Current Broncos Bus Crash that took the lives of four of his teammates, getting drafted 41st overall in the NHL entry draft in the same season and playing ten years of professional hockey is a story of triumph that is inspiring. He was a part of winning several championships and was a recognized All-Star four times in his career. He is an award-winning entrepreneur, and leads a team of passionate, experienced individuals whose goal is to help those in search of a better way of life. Bob is excited to receive this award and continue his personal goal of assisting as many individuals and teams as he can in his lifetime. If each of us can find our way to the life we want, the World will be a much better place.

“We know it and we show it, because we have lived it.”