50 Fastest Growing Private Companies to Watch 2016
The Silicon Review
Zurixx, LLC., is a company that develops financial education programs based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. It makes it its purpose to create the best financial education programs in the US and Canada. From development to sales, the company is
thoroughly involved in the process and constantly improving its programs to fit the students’ needs. Zurixx offers comprehensive, free educational seminars, three-day workshops, advanced training camps, summits, coaching, and mentorship in the areas of business growth and management, entrepreneurship, asset protection, real estate investing and personal finances to its students.
In conversation with the executive, Jeff Spangler
Why was the company set up?
Zurixx sets a higher standard for the financial education industry. We work with the best brands to create the best products out there. Our customers appreciate the quality of product and education we provide. This is something every employee takes pride in accomplishing and continually working to maintain.
What challenges did you face in your initial years? What can your peers learn from it?
The biggest challenges Zurixx faced in its initial years were the same challenges most startups have to overcome. Growth management being the greatest challenge. We had great clients that took off much faster than we had anticipated and we had to make sure we had the help and support to handle the growth. We had to make sure we were aligning ourselves with clients that had the same values we did, and as a new company, that takes time to figure out. Another challenge we faced was getting the right people in the right positions. Management can’t do it all, and trusting employees to take on a project and get a desired result isn’t easy but absolutely necessary. Giving up control is hard, but necessary if you want to grow your company.
What drives/inspires you to excel in your field of business?
After growing up in a family that didn’t have a lot of money and didn’t talk about finances, it’s amazing to see people’s lives change because they became educated in finances and investing through our products. Seeing our product change lives is what inspires our employees every day. It’s easy to get caught up in menial day-to-day tasks but it’s all worth it when we watch a customer thrive and leave behind a legacy for their family. Every day we get success stories from people that have implemented our systems and let us know their expectations have been far exceeded. The ability to see your product give family’s financial freedom is what it’s all about. Zurixx’s employees don’t take their jobs lightly and everything they do
is for the success of the student.
What is a typical day in your office like?
We like doing things a bit out of the ordinary at Zurixx. We’re a four-year-old company that is already one of Utah’s Top 100
and Nominated to the Fortune 500 – that’s due to our ‘work hard, play hard’ culture and phenomenal staff. Every person in the company works daily to accomplish – if not exceed – set goals. We are all here to do our jobs, but we make coming to work as fun as possible. We have a gaming area in our team lounge, spa benefits and incredible company events, to name just a few perks. We work out what people are best at and then give them the support and encouragement to succeed.
Can you say something about your services?
From the boardroom to the think tank to the implementation, our team buckles down and delivers top-notch financial education that ensures student success. Through our expansive network of experts, we deliver real, tangible results that garner success for clients, students and the industry as a whole.
What kind of mixed responses have you received from your consumers over the years? How have they motivated you to grow the company?
At Zurixx, we believe that every stumbling block is a stepping stone. There is something to be taken away and learned from every situation our team is put through. Like any company, we have customers that love the products and services offered while others don’t. Every time we hear of a bad customer experience, we take it personally. We take customer feedback and use it to grow the company to be better. We want success for every customer we have and that’s only possible if we listen to their feedback and rework our product to exceed customer expectations.
Where do you see you and your company a couple of years from now?
We have positively changed thousands of lives in just a few years. We hope to double that capacity and help even more families gain financial success. We also expect to have new clients, fulfillment sources, and ideas. We can do anything and are up for the challenge.
Meet the Master
Jeff Spangler, President and Founder: Jeff Spangler is President of the Utah division at Zurixx as well as one of the principle owners. As one of the original founders of Zurixx, Jeff is involved with setting direction, overseeing implementation, and overall growth of this rapidly expanding business.
Prior to helping start and grow Zurixx, he began investing in other businesses and real estate. These other businesses and real estate include things like office buildings, rental properties, vacation property rentals, student housing, real estate bridge funding, and asset protection services.
His extensive background in sales and business management has given him the knowledge and integrity that he brings to each of his business ventures. His professionalism and quick wit have always allowed him to bridge relationships and find solutions to the challenges of everyday business ownership.
Aside from business and investing, Jeff is also very active outside the office. He’s a loving father and enjoys spending time with his wife and family golfing, skiing, snowboarding, boating, traveling, and supporting his kids in their own activities. These other activities help keep his perspective about what he feels is most important in life, and why his business ventures should always be structured with the other person in mind and with integrity to his values.