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December Edition 2022

The Nationwide Leader in Construction Quality Assurance: Quality Built


Founded in 1994, Quality Built works with some of the most respected names in construction, insurance, and litigation. Only Quality Built combines a network of thousands of experienced, boots-on-the-ground inspectors and domain experts with the industry’s most robust technology solutions. Together, the company collect, analyzes, and communicates essential data from the job site through your entire organization — helping you work smarter, reduce risk, and increase efficiency. Quality Built has more data on construction quality than any company in the world. It’s hard-earned. Years ago, when insurance carriers refused to insure construction in California, Quality Built traveled to all the major financial centers in the United States, as well as those in London, Dublin and the Bahamas.

 Quality Built’s team met with insurance carriers and used this data to demonstrate that construction was not the blind risk they thought it was — provided construction companies implement proper quality control and inspection systems to assure quality. The company rolled out its risk management program that has since become the standard for underwriting construction for over 30 insurance carriers. In fact, Quality Built created all of the compliance metrics that are used today by most insurance carriers. Quality Built wants to maximize resources. Homeowners. Builders. Regulators. The entire building industry has a vested interest in building a more eco-conscious world. It’s good for the planet, livability, and utility bills. The trouble is, managing the proliferation of energy and sustainability certifications is becoming more challenging by the day. What once was a simple administrative task now requires specific expertise, loads of paperwork, and extra time that modern superintendents just don’t have. That’s why Quality Built recently launched a new suite of energy and sustainability services. Now homebuilders can enjoy all the benefits of a rigorous energy and sustainability program — including utility and municipal incentives, high-ROI certification, and more — without adding staff or headaches.

Green is growing

The demand for energy-conscious and sustainable homes continues to grow. Macro trends such as climate change, rising costs, and increasing awareness of indoor air quality drive homebuyers to put green features at the top of their shopping lists. According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the vast majority of home shoppers say they seek — and are willing to pay — a premium for features that improve the health of the planet, their budget, and themselves. For homebuilders, this presents an enormous opportunity. When properly managed, building green increases brand value, margins, and sales velocity with minimal investment. In fact, with so many utility, municipal, and state sustainability incentives available, the lack of a professional energy and sustainability program may be costing you money and sales.

Building green also provides long-term benefits to homebuilders after the sale. By building structures that perform the way occupants expect them to, homebuilders protect themselves from post-occupancy risks. Depending on your location, code compliance can be quite arduous. The key is not whether you can get your building to comply with the necessary codes, but can you do so efficiently and cost-effectively. Quality Built blends technology with human expertise to help you plan, execute, and communicate across even the most complex construction projects. Quality Built’s energy and sustainability program is backed by the industry’s largest real-world construction science database and powered by a nationwide team of quality assurance professionals. It’s all managed and accessible by software that makes collecting, sharing, and understanding construction-critical data simple.

Energy code compliance

In modern construction, energy-efficient design isn’t optional, it’s essential. Not only do homeowners demand it, local governments are increasingly adopting more stringent energy codes to help them meet their environmental and economic goals. But for most builders and developers, especially those who build in multiple jurisdictions, adhering to the patchwork energy regulatory requirements can be both expensive and time-consuming. That’s why Quality Built invested in its own team of Energy Code Experts, to help its clients efficiently navigate local regulations while simultaneously building greater value into their homes. Not only does Quality Built helps ensure you meet or exceed code compliance, Quality Built also helps leverage efforts to identify possible incentive and certification programs with little, if any, additional investment.

Codes vary greatly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some require HERS Scores, others don’t. Some require confirmed ratings, others don’t. And some vary their requirements based on the size or type of structure. If you build in multiple jurisdictions, simply tracking changes in the code could be a full-time job. Quality Built’s team of boots-on-the-ground experts can take care of all of this, freeing market managers to focus on client satisfaction, workflow, and other key drivers of profitability.

Meet the leader behind the success of Quality Built

As CEO of Quality Built, John Gillett brings nearly two decades of executive experience in the construction industry. With a background in energy inspection services, John has worked closely with teams from the EPA, DOE, RESNET, and USGBC, and pioneered comprehensive engineering, quality assurance, and risk management solutions for builders across the nation.

“Only QUALITY BUILT has a nationwide network of professional inspectors and technical experts backed by industry-leading proprietary software that connects the entire value chain.”