50 Smartest Companies of the Year 2022
The Silicon Review
In the highly competitive world we live in, it is integral for a brand to have its own unique scent. The main rationale behind this is to create a targeted signature scent that consumers relate to and identify with. The proliferation of similar brands now requires differentiation and identification more than ever, and the need for a personalized brand scent helps the customer to become an extension of your brand and forge a strong bond. Globally there are various firms that help brands create their unique scent, but, Scenterprises stands out from the rest. Scenterprises offers an array of services, Custom Scents for individuals, Corporate Teambuilding and Bridal events, Keynote presentations, as well as ambient Scent-branding for properties and hospitality. To go in-depth about the company’s services, Scenterprises originally began as a global consulting company, specializing in product development, marketing, branding, and creating strategic alliances between fashion and beauty brands. Subsequently, Sue Phillips, the CEO of Scenterprises, innovated and developed unique personalized products to provide clients with knowledge about their personal relationship to fragrance and to open their eyes to the intriguing mysteries about the fragrance world.
Scenterprises’ Scent Personality Quiz is the guide that helps clients discover which fragrance family truly matches their personality and individuality. It always amazes people how accurate it is. Scenterprises has created custom fragrances for thousands of individuals, Fortune 500 Companies, as well as A-list celebrities such as Jamie Foxx, Katie Holmes, Zendaya, Susan Sarandon, Laurence Fishburne, and countless fragrance lovers. The CEO’s new app www.suephillipsapp.com is accessible on both IOS and Android devices. Sue uses it to raise awareness about her business by conducting interviews, distributing podcasts, and hosting ‘live’ programs. In addition, her book “The Power of Perfume” has afforded her the opportunity to present motivational key-note speaking engagements.
In conversation with Sue Phillips, the CEO of Scenterprises
My business enterprise started quite serendipitously, as I had never really intended to have my own company. Hence, my career in the fragrance business occurred by chance rather than by design. Because of my love for music and theatre, I had always wanted to pursue a career in acting ever since I was a little girl. In my native South Africa, I immersed myself in the theatrical world. When I came to the USA, a headhunter believed my acting experience would be suitable for a position in the cosmetics industry, and that’s when I started working at Elizabeth Arden and became the National Training Director.
This was the beginning of my journey into the beautiful world of fragrance, and as part of my orientation, I spent a few months learning about fragrance and the customer demographic at Macy’s and then traveled around the country presenting Fragrance Schools to the beauty advisors selling the Arden fine fragrances, Chloe, Lagerfeld, Burberry. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn about the cultural differences in the USA.
After 2 years in Training I was then promoted to product development for color cosmetics and then to Fragrance Marketing. From Elizabeth Arden, I was hired by Lancôme as Marketing Director for Fragrance and Men’s Skincare and was then appointed as Executive VP of Tiffany & Co., where I created and launched the first Tiffany perfume for their 150th anniversary. It was after Tiffany that I founded Scenterprises Inc., a worldwide scent enterprise where I oversaw product development, marketing, and branding for major firms and brands, including Burberry, Avon, Lancaster, Trish McEvoy, and many more. Fragrance is an invisible yet powerful accessory, and it reflects how people feel, and studies have shown that our Sense of Smell is indeed our most powerful sense.
The ability to create exquisite perfumes for legendary companies, individuals, and celebrities is an honor, and I am proud to say that my passion, enthusiasm and love for fragrance have helped hundreds of Anosmia sufferers regain their sense of smell. With my dedication and inspiration, I am eager to be working with neuroscientists who support my scent healing project. I have built a company that specializes in fragrance development and branding, and gratefully have also been able to help many people!
Q. Tell us about your material procurement process. How do you select the vendors?
Our perfumes are made from the highest quality ingredients and are sourced from all over the world. We are vigilant about creating high-quality natural perfumes, and thankfully we have never had complaints of headaches or allergies. We collaborate with perfumers to offer the finest perfume ingredients.
Q. There are other major players in the fragrance market. How do you diversify yourself?
We were at the forefront of developing Custom Perfumery 12 years ago when it wasn’t yet a trend. My company differs from others because we offer and promote “confidence in a bottle”. For starters, my whole mission is to create unique scent “experiences,” and the key focus is to generate awareness about how fragrances reflect one’s individuality and personality, and so fragrance lovers meet with us to discover a fragrance that truly matches their personality and what they ultimately prefer. I always say, “Why wear what everyone else wears when you can create your own?” I believe this is the way we differentiate ourselves since my products are customizable based on a consumer’s individual preferences and unique personality.
Q. Do you have any new services ready to be launched?
Yes, we continue to work with people who have suffered from Anosmia and are working on an exciting new endeavor with innovative products and a philanthropic positioning. I would invite readers to stay in touch with us to follow our journey and to be a part of our community.
Q. What does the future hold for your company and its customers? Are exciting things on the way?
My biggest hope for the future is to assemble a team of successors who will carry on my legacy and pursuit of excellent products. I hope to ensure continuity in the future by promoting the concept of how scent alters people’s lives. I am also working on my second book with a neuroscientist about the healing aspect of helping people regain their sense of smell and the procedure to aid individuals with Anosmia to help restore their sense of smell by learning to “smell with their brain”.
Meet the leader behind the success of Scenterprises
Sue Phillips, CEO of Scenterprises is an internationally renowned fragrance expert. Originally from South Africa, Sue is based in New York City where she began her career at Elizabeth Arden in Fragrance Training, Product Development and Marketing. After 6 years, Lancôme, Paris recruited her as Marketing Director for Fragrance & Men’s Skincare, and was then recruited as Executive Vice President, Tiffany & Co. and created and developed the first TIFFANY perfume followed by Tiffany for Men.