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30 Fastest Growing Private Companies to Watch 2022

T-Minus Solutions – Custom Software Development Company for the Innovator, Entrepreneur, and Pioneer


The advancement in Information technology has provided society with a plethora of benefits. Better user-experience, process automation, and process optimization are now the top priorities of a company. To cope with the ever-changing software and mobile app development trends, companies are now opting for bespoke software development services to get a more personalized solution to their business problems. Choosing between a custom software or commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution is a never-ending saga. Ready-made software comes bundled with many features that you may never end-up using. On the other hand, bespoke software is a tailor-made solution to meet the unique requirements of your business and solve the exact problem you’re looking at solving. In simple terms, developing custom software or mobile applications is all about creating a piece of software exclusively to fulfill your business needs and to enhance the user’s experience & optimize processes at various levels of an organization to drive growth.

When organizations are looking to launch mission-critical projects on time and on budget, T-Minus Solutions provides the confidence needed to assure project success when everything is on the line. The company’s predictable process and professional approach to technical projects ensure the smooth and timely delivery of crucial initiatives. T-Minus Solutions highly-capable team, experience with complex technical projects, and experience in business success enable them to provide a clear path to market. This dynamic combined with their successful history of business and technical project leadership enables them to confidently make promises they keep.

Building Experiences and Launching Business-Critical Technology Projects for You

Bespoke software is tailored according to specific business requirements that make it a more efficient and productive solution. Employees can share data safely across the organization, and multiple processes can be easily integrated into one centralized software system. Software that fits the business demands of one organization might not be the best solution for other companies. The “countdown” for founders and growing businesses is a place in time riddled with deadlines, looming pressure, funding and financing requirements, and minimum viable products to prove value, to go forward. T-Minus encourages success in this countdown phase by promising valued structure, methodical processes, and dependable timelines for your technical project. When you’re ready to start, they start with you. When you’re ready to grow, they grow with you.

Data is the new oil of the digital economy. Keeping data safe from hackers is one of the top priorities of business owners. One of the major reasons to choose custom software over off-the-shelf solutions is because of its high-security features. Custom software is made keeping security as one of the top priorities to avoid any data leak and hacking attacks. Standard software applications are more prone to hacking as compared to custom solutions because hacking into a mainstream software will give hackers access to information from many companies which is not true in the case of custom software. T-Minus is situated as a “top-down” organization to be well-versed in the importance of technical practicality, efficient process and reliability of both its code and its personnel.

Strategy: Work with a team led by serial entrepreneur, CEO and Co-Founder, Craig Ceccanti to consider the best path forward for your business technology. At T-Minus, they carry forward the knowledge learned from collected years of experiences developing technology. In this way, they can bring you the best options and help avoid costly “rookie” mistakes.

Development: Their predictable process of technical projects ensures the smooth and timely delivery of crucial initiatives with the best technology stack for your business. Get the best full stack development for your business technology!

Modernization: On time and on budget, T-Minus provides the technical project leadership you need to assure success when investors are waiting, and everything is on the line. The company threads operational efficiency into all that they do. From project meetings and updates, to clean coding and educated decision-making, their modern approach to building your technology gets you to launch day sooner rather than later.

Craig Ceccanti | President and CEO

“With a focus on the startup and founder community, we implement utility, ease-of-use, and efficiency into every piece of code that becomes your business platform, your statement in the world.”