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50 Smartest Companies of the Year 2021

David Marr, Tactical Rehabilitation Inc., Founder and CEO: ‘We bring you the highest possible quality in products, our brands are built to last, designed for success, and will help you achieve your best’


Durable Medical Equipment (DME) plays an integral part in delivering seamless healthcare services. Just as the name suggests, DME is designed for long-term use. This category includes a special variety of equipment like mobility aids, personal care aids, hospital beds, oxygen concentrators, prostheses, and other items. General readers might be familiar with a few of these items commonly found in a doctor’s office or in a hospital. However, we seldom notice the equipment used by people in wheelchairs or walking canes. Making a well-informed decision when it comes to choosing a DME is crucial when either your health or the health of someone you deeply care about is at stake. The use of DMEs must not be underestimated, as improper or inadequate use of medical equipment can endanger the wellbeing and health of patients.

Globally, there are various companies specializing in delivering excellent DME services to the healthcare segment, but Tactical Rehabilitation Inc. stands out from the rest. Tactical Rehabilitation Inc. is a full-service DME company whose mission is to serve those who serve our country. The company provides the highest quality products and the highest level of service to active duty service members, veterans, and their families. All of Tactical Rehabilitation’s products are battle-tested and are being used by service members deployed throughout the world. The company’s office staff are trained to provide the highest quality care and fit for patients and serve as a resource for providers.

In conversation with David Marr, Founder and CEO of Tactical Rehabilitation Inc.,

Q. How do you serve those who serve our country?

Serving those who Serve” has been our philosophy from the very onset of the creation of Tactical Rehabilitation. Our Nation’s heroes serve our country with their lives. Tactical Rehabilitation serves these heroes with the lives of each employee, dedicated to the improvement of each service member’s health. Our goal is to always provide the very best in products and patient care to ensure every hero receives products that will help them heal and improve their health, not just slow the rate of their current condition. It is why we only offer the very best products and services, ones that cost us more, making us run our business more efficiently than our industry peers. When I am asked why we do all this, I can only say that our servicemen and women deserve the best possible care, and it is my honor and duty to provide it to them. It is why I founded Tactical Rehabilitation.

Q. How successful has been the journey of Tactical Rehabilitation?

Like every company, we found a place to establish ourselves, build partnerships with the military community and suppliers, and use our base to grow in order to ultimately serve every service member and their family. In a short five years, we have grown to service over 50 military communities. Today we are growing faster than ever; hence, we have found a need to invest further in infrastructure to support our simple objective to provide the very best healthcare to every hero that serves our Nation. It is a delicate balance, which starts and ends with the needs of each patient.

Q. Tell us about your full range of services?

Tactical Rehabilitation focuses on improving the health and chronic pain/mobility needs of the military community. While the industry categorizes us as a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) provider, our special focus is to actually improve each patient’s health condition with the highest quality products and solution, not slow the deterioration of their condition with lesser quality products for improved profits. We have a heavy focus on Custom Orthotics with our partner Sole Supports, along with motion and static bracing, Electro-stimulus solutions, and Bone Growth solutions. We pride ourselves on adapting to the needs of each military and base community; as a result, each Tactical Rehabilitation office or remotely served community may also provide items that are important locally.

Q. What areas or locations are your services available at?

We offer our services to military communities throughout the USA and abroad. Our coverage spans from the east coast to the west coast and into the Pacific. Every month we are prioritizing our investments to new bases and communities that are requesting our services. We are adapting quickly with new business models to reach them faster and faster with the same incredible focus on patient care. Because over half of our company has some military background affiliation, our employees push us hard to serve more communities with first-hand knowledge and experience to ensure no one can provide better care for our servicemen and women.

Q. How do the designs of your products affect the experience of your clients? How important are the designs?

Our most requested solutions are custom solutions that are designed for each patient. We select well-known leaders in the industry and certain niche providers that help us meet the needs of each patient and satisfy each providers’ care directives. The manufacturers, science, development process, and delivery methods are key in providing the optimal patient experience. Each solution has different and unique benefits to the patient, with a customized educational delivery process to enhance the experience. This enhanced process creates maximum compliance and pain relief received.

Q. What does the future hold for your company?

Growth to reach our impossible dream stated above of reaching every serviceman and woman to provide them the best in quality health care, continuously improving our services and the use of technology for better patient access to us when they need us, and to ensure our employees love what they do here at Tactical Rehabilitation.

Meet the leader behind the success of Tactical Rehabilitation Inc.

The Founder and CEO of Tactical Rehabilitation Inc. is David Marr. He has extensive experience in the DME market in sales and management helping several companies to attain great success. He found a niche working with military providers that he thought was under served and in 2014 and launched Tactical Rehabilitation to provide the best possible patient care in this, the most common and day-to-day needs of military healthcare. His foresight has been certified by the consistent expansion, and the attraction of, new customers and talented employees that have a great confidence and belief in his vision to “serve those who serve”. David firmly believes there are many more military personnel and bases that need Tactical Rehabilitation’s help and has plans to grow and expand to serve them.

“We provide the highest quality products and the highest level of service to active duty service members, veterans and their families.”