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30 Fabulous Companies of the Year 2023

Trunomi – The leading Data Privacy platform for businesses who want more than just a compliance suite


Data privacy is about reminding everyone that their data is theirs and not everything has to be shared. To understand the importance of data privacy one must first understand what data privacy is, then why it is important and then what challenges both users and organizations face when it comes to data privacy. Data privacy is based on personal information of users and their ability to determine how much and when it is shared with other people and organizations. The personal information is based on location, contact information as well as the behavior of the individual both online and in the real world. Data privacy is determined by users as they grant permissions to what any software, person, or organization is allowed to access. The importance of data privacy is considered in many locations a fundamental human right. Individuals entrust their personal data to platforms and organizations and expect it to be protected through their data protection strategies.

Data privacy is a crucial aspect for both individuals and organizations. The protecting of user data is a necessity for any person and organizations that is what Trunomi does. Trunomi is an enterprise data privacy platform whose rules-based platform is the leader in Enterprise Data Privacy Compliance. Enabling businesses for the first time to understand what data they hold, under what regulation and why. The platform allows companies to comply with current and future global regulations from a single platform. Trunomi never sees or stores your customer’s personal data dueto its patented technology; and for this reason, Trunomi’s technology is not bound by jurisdictional borders surrounding personal data. Certified to operate to NSA security standards and validated by Baker McKenzie, Trunomi is a zero-risk solution.

Offering Enterprises with Robust Data Security Solutions

Data Retention: Personal data regularly gets copied to systems and databases, and when the time comes to delete, move or update these records, it is often a manual and siloed process. Holding data without justification is a significant risk – one that attracts large fines and puts companies in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. This is why they built Data Retention capabilities in Trunomi. Processing and retention durations can be defined for specific data sets across any databases and systems, and Trunomi allows you to set the parameters for the actions required when time periods expire. Trunomi makes visible the actions that are required for specific customer records, different types of data, and across which systems they must be taken. Trunomi reduces the attack surfaces and unnecessary storage costs, meaning expiring data sets will simply no longer be a worry or a risk. Instead, businesses will be able to focus on making the most of their data.

Data Matching: Trunomi knows how important customer data is and they understand many of the challenges it can create. Obtaining a ‘golden’ record – or ‘single version of the truth’ – for your customers across your infrastructure is one of them. This is why they created TruDataMatch: a proprietary enterprise personal data matching technology. Data matching intelligence is automated with Trunomi’s Reporting, where you can understand matched, mismatched and missing records all from a single screen. And with their privacy-preserving technology, businesses face zero-risk when using TruDataMatch because they never see or store your PII – it always stays with you.

Data Minimization: Building successful data minimization strategies into your products and services can be challenging, especially across complex infrastructures and data flows. The best data minimization strategy is not just about reducing attack surfaces: it includes creating a future-proofed, interoperable standard of Privacy across your business; and not just maintaining but building on business intelligence – all while retaining core business function. This is why Trunomi’s technology is built to require zero PII – to be the easiest way for businesses to implement their Privacy services, whilst benefiting from Data Minimization across entire flows. runomi automates the creation of contextual, metadata-only records during actual data processing events. These intelligent records capture the who, what, where, why, and when around your organizations PII, so that you can understand whose data you hold, how you’re allowed to use it and how long for.

Data Mapping & Data Pointers: Increasing data security and Privacy demands have seen a rise in the need for enterprise Data Mapping – the ability for businesses to address risk by recording, visualising and more easily managing data flows across their infrastructure. Data mapping without automation and real-time validation means that it is often a manual and inaccurate process, leading to exposed risk, errors in management and non-compliance. This is why they built Data Mapping in Trunomi – so that businesses can automate and easily map their data flows, across even the most complex of infrastructures. Trunomi provides data mapping for businesses across any system, product, service, third-party relationship or data flow. Their smart data pointers allow the tracking and location of data events across the business, all without processing any PII.

TruPayments: From insight on duplicate payments across your entire infrastructure, to real-time visibility on the handling of individual transactions, Trunomi’s metadata-only intelligence gives you actionable insights on payments without ever having to share raw PII with Trunomi. TruPayments connects seamlessly via API with your existing payment infrastructure. With our privacy-preserving technology, businesses face zero-risk when using TruPayments because we never copy or store your data. With automated TruPayment intelligence and Reporting, audit-ready records of flagged payments provide full visibility of a transaction’s context and history.

Shawn Brown | CEO

Before joining Trunomi as CEO Shawn gained over 20 years of experience scaling commercial businesses across EMEA, holding various positions from COO to SVP within fintech, telecoms, media and technology companies. He worked with many of the largest blue-chip companies globally. He is particularly adept at taking products to market, building and managing multi-skilled sales and technology teams in challenging and complex environments. He is a natural technophile, and a fan of all things mobile. Shawn is passionate about privacy and personal data. As a past board director of the Mobile Data Association, he championed change among mobile operators, implementing some of the global standards they see today.

"Our technology is preferred by businesses for privacy compliance as we are the only platform to offer comprehensive solutions without needing to see, copy or store the PII held by your business."