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50 Best Companies to Watch 2021

Pete Urmson, CEO of Spotzer, Speaks to The Silicon Review: “A leader in innovation of digital marketing for SMBs with a global best practice service layer”


“We focus on NPS as a key success factor. I want our business to be up there with Apple and Tesla in the NPS rankings, and now we are.”

Spotzer is the global leader in providing white-labeled, award-winning digital marketing services for leading enterprise brands with SMB customers.

The company was founded in 2008 and has its HQ in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It has an additional office location in Melbourne, Australia, as well as satellite offices in Manilla, and Sofia.

Interview Excerpt: Pete Urmson

Q. Let’s talk about Spotzer and how it came to the fore. So, what inspired you to join the company? Was there any prior experience that led you to the develop company strategy?

As a young man, I worked in our family businesses. I understood the challenges that small business owners have. In later years, I worked in big corporates with billion-dollar turnovers. Here too, I understood the challenges they have in connecting with SMBs and helping them. I have tried to create a business that helps big businesses effectively serve their SMB customers by providing a service that makes a difference for small business owners.


Q. How did you overcome your initial roadblocks? Describe briefly.

The business grew fast, and that needed funding, which we got. Maintaining that growth and investing in technology and operations was a challenge to ‘spin so many plates’ all at the same time. But we did it and continue to do so. We focus on what’s important for the customer and what we need to solve.

 Q. How uniquely do you serve SMBs, given your comprehensive product portfolio covers all small businesses’ digital marketing requirements?

Our approach is simple. Help our channel partners to simplify the process for their salespeople and the customer. Focus on the experience at all touch points. Continue to innovate our workflows and product offers. NPS is king.

Q. Spotzer has served more than 120,000 customers in 16 markets. What’s your secret, and how do you plan to stay ahead of the curve?

We are very passionate about what we do. Helping small businesses grow is in our DNA. That’s what drives us to deliver better.

Q. How do you measure success, and over what time frame? How are these metrics determined?

We focus on NPS as a key success factor. I want our business to be up there with Apple and Tesla in the NPS rankings, and now we are. I believe that happy customers will result in good, strong business growth performance.

Q. Where do you stand as a company in the current market landscape? Share an overview.

We have aspirations to be the market leader in our category in the next two to three years. We are well- known and strong in Australia and all of Europe and the UK, and now we have our sights set on the US and deepening our position in current key markets. There is a significant need for our services all around the world.

Q. About your plans, where do you think your company will be in five years?

We are focused on growth in our key markets in Europe, UK, North America and Australia. Looking to grow our channels across Enterprise, Agency, and Platforms. I believe we will be the leader in innovation of digital marketing for SMBs, with a global best practice service layer.

The Inspirational Leader at the Helm of Spotzer

Pete Urmson is the CEO of Spotzer. When he joined the company, he had a vision to make it the global leader in offering digital solutions, to help SMBs through partnerships with trusted brands who would become his partners in selling his products and services. As a senior executive in several billion-dollar enterprises, he recognized that those businesses had challenges in servicing SMBs – and he knew how to overcome them. He brought together a stellar executive team to work with him, to execute a strategy of providing NPS focused, tech-enabled, white-label digital marketing solutions, working with resellers of such products and services.

“We are focused on growth in our key markets in Europe, UK, North America, and Australia. Looking to grow our channels across Enterprise, Agency, and Platforms.”