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October Monthly Special 2022

Top of the line dental care products transforming oral care: Zenyum


Often, dental hygiene is overlooked in comparison to other health scares. But the mouth is the entry point to a person’s digestive and respiratory tracts, and some bacteria that enter can cause diseases. With the warm and moist environment caused by saliva, your oral cavity makes a great breeding ground for harmful bacteria and pathogens. There are over 500 different species of bacteria growing at any given time in the mouth. There is also fungus, protozoal and viral species that can grow in the oral cavity as well without proper care. The antibodies and the alkaline pH level maintained by the saliva prevent the harmful infections to an extent, but good oral hygiene should be regularly practiced Normally the body's natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, keep bacteria under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Good oral hygiene is directly related to good health. It does not simply mean straight and white teeth, but healthy gums and healthy oral tissues including the tongue. Apart from preventing oral diseases such as tooth decay and gum disease, maintaining good oral health indirectly helps to prevent diabetes, heart disease, and many other health issues as well.

Globally, there are various companies providing excellent dental care products, among them Zenyum stands out. Zenyum on a mission to empower you to make positive change - starting with your smile. Some people think it’s impossible to change anything life has handed you. Too risky. Too time consuming. Too expensive. Zenyum has been there, they get it. But sometimes, you get so used to accepting what you have; you don’t realize how much better things can be. As former braces wearers, Zenyum knows the difference a smile transformation can make. A knock-your-socks-off smile is one of the most powerful tools we all have to spark positive change. And Zenyum is obsessed with making that transformation easy. Enjoyable. Heck, even a little fun with Zenyum’s invisible braces. The company works with some of Southeast Asia’s top dentists on all Zenyum’s products to test and build the safest, smartest solutions it can think of, so you can smile more.

Zenyum is on a mission to help Asia smile more. It is a consumer-focused healthcare brand that removes medical jargon, cancelled appointments, price variations and puts convenience at the centre of your smile journey. The result?  Affordable dental treatment that actually works. Founded in 2018 in Singapore, Zenyum provides Smile Cosmetics, produced under the highest quality standards. Led by a team of experienced tech entrepreneurs and doctors, Zenyum brings the highest level of care to its customers by partnering with experienced local dentists across Asia. Did you know that sometimes growing our wealth can come in other forms like investing in our health? Zenyum’s got some investment tips of its own. Having a Zenyum smile is not just for aesthetics. Is straightening your crooked teeth really necessary even if it’s just one tooth? Aligning your teeth can be beneficial in many ways other than cosmetic reasons. Getting rid of overcrowded or off-kilter teeth that have spaces for food to get stuck in can help prevent future health issues from arising. Over time when food gets stuck between the spaces, bacteria multiply in your mouth. This can lead to far worse problems like tooth decay and gum diseases which can potentially cause heart problems. According to experts, there is a correlation between poor dental health and an increased risk of developing heart diseases since bacteria can infect the bloodstream.

Reduce possible dental problems that could create a big hole in your pocket

To put it simply – straight teeth are easier to clean and prevent chances of tartar build-up due to improper brushing. Zenyum Invisible Braces work in tandem with good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups to catch problems early and help reduce spending more money in the future. Root canal and gum problems come at a price and a very expensive one at that, a root canal treatment costs an average of $1078^/tooth to remove and crown. It can’t get worse than that? Think again .If your gum weakens, leading to the loss of teeth, denture fixtures range from $550-$850^/arch depending on the complexity of the procedure and location. But even the cheapest of all procedures is still an expensive treatment and let’s not forget about the pain we have to endure!

Feel good and look good

Having a great smile can leave a good impression and of course one of the benefits of having a corrected smile is the boost of confidence. Zenyum Invisible Braces are truly an investment to not miss out! It helps you feel good about your appearance and uplift your mental well-being; investing in your health, wealth, and overall being.

Here’s a summary of Zenyum’s 3 main investing tips:

  • Straighten your teeth with Zenyum Invisible Braces to help make brushing easier
  • Go for your regular dental checkups at least twice a year
  • Brush and floss with ZenyumFresh™ to remove all food stuck that could cause bacteria build-up

Julian Artopé, Founder & CEO

“Led by a team of experienced tech entrepreneurs and doctors, Zenyum brings the highest level of care to its customers by partnering with experienced local dentists across Asia.”