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Fire TV Cube: Amazon unveils ...


Fire TV Cube: Amazon unveils its new streaming TV device

 Fire TV Cube: Amazon unveils its new streaming TV device
The Silicon Review
11 June, 2018

The new streaming TV device for couch potatoes is coming: Amazon’s Fire TV Cube will allow the users to take control over their TV sets with a voice command. With it, users can turn on the TV, turn over channels or search for sitcoms, all without using any remote.

It is believed that Fire TV cube is not fully hands- free, as some apps or streaming, services may need the use of remote to rewind or stop a show. According to Amazon, their team is working out to fully integrate voice commands with the services.  

Like Alexa, the Cube will also allow users to switch between streaming services like Netflix and regular cable channels with such voice commands as,”Alexa, turn on Starsports”.  The device can also do typical Alexa tasks, such as playing Jeopardy or showing the weather reports, even when the TV is switched off.

The Fire TV Cube will be available for the users later this month costing US$120.

Amazon considers Alexa as a major part of its future.  It is helping the people by providing voice assistance in cars, refrigerators and alarm clocks. People are indirectly attached to Amazon’s services by using Alexa, as it is leading to more purchase from the online retailer.

Fire TV cube is Amazon’s first Internet streaming service to buy rights for Premiere League football matches, though they will be available only to Prime members in the UK under a 3 years deal.